Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My boy is FOUR!

Evan is FOUR!  WOW! 

We had so much fun celebrating our boys big day!

Started off the night before with a little decorating!  AND...he got a care package all the way from VA!

He was of course up SUPER early ready to party! ;-)  And Daddy went in to work a little later so he could have breakfast with us and Evan's favorite powdered sugar donuts!

Yep...this is his new "camera" face...Christian said he did this at his soccer pics...those should be interesting...haha

  Ready to head out for our day of fun!

Started off at the Disney store but got there a little too early so spent a few minutes at the play area!

He got to be the master of ceremonies at the Disney store that morning!!!  He thought it was so cool!  The store is pitch black and when he said the magic words...all the lights came on :)

Great place to go on your get a crown and button...and that Mickey medal if you do the opening ceremonies!

He picked out a new spiderman T shirt and Ainsley really wanted sparkley red Jessie boots...but I told her it wasnt her special day so she settled for a shirt :)  The shirts barely made it out of the mall...they wanted to change right I let them!

Next stop was toysrus and then Chick-fil-a for lunch...his choice :)  Everywhere we went made such a big deal about his special day...he loved it!

Once Daddy got home we headed out to dinner!  I thought I had pics of this but guess not!

After dinner we came home and he opened some family gifts and we had birthday cake! 

Thank you to Aunt Chris, Aunt Sarah, Aunt Bethany, Mimi, and Big Daddy and Great Grandma Lindberg for sending such nice presents!  He is having so much fun with all his new fun things!

Playing one of his board games he got!

His big gift from Mimi and Big Daddy arrived the next day! 

He is having such a blast jumping in his bounce house...Ainsley too!

My mom and Todd brought over a surprise Sunday air hockey table and spiderman sheets!  AWESOME!  WOOHOO!  THANK YOU!  Pics of that to come :) 

On Sunday, we celebrated Evan's birthday at Peter Piper (Pizza Planet) with family and friends! 

This is the just the rough draft of the invite I made...the final copy was too high resolution to post and didnt have those weird red lines.

Cute :)

Uncle MJ was so great to hang with him the whole time and help him play all the games and win some AWESOME tickets!

Kaylee hit the jackpot!!! 1000 tickets!!!!

The kids really enjoyed the carosel

Evan got to make his own pizza for the party!


Happy birthday!!!!

Can you see Lucy?!  Front pack of course :)

Sara...I LOVE THIS PIC of your boys :)

After the kids ate pizza and cupcakes they were all ready to play some more games!!!!  So...we ran out of time for presents at the party!  In the car on the way home we asked Evan if he had a good party and he said "Yes, but not really friends forgot to bring me presents"  POOR GUY!  If he would have said that at the party...I would have had him do it...but I thought he wanted to play!!! Christian and I felt so bad!  So he was very excited to open all his gifts when we got home!!!!  Evan, Kaylee, and Lexi had fun playing with all his new toys while the little sisters slept!!!

Thank you to all our friends and family for such sweet and thoughtful gifts!  Evan is in pure toy heaven!

After they woke up...we enjoyed the nice weather with some outside fun!

And lots of bounce house fun!

These two had so much fun playing together this weekend!

And Monday the birthday fun continued...we took the kids to build a bear!

Of course the older ones had a great time and I couldn't believe how much the little girls LOVED it! 

Goofy kids!

A few group pics!!!


Thank you Mom and Todd for coming down the night before the party to hang with the kids so Christian and I could go out!  Thank you Jamie and Justin for driving down for Evan's Birthday party...loved having you guys here!  Thank you Jackie and the girls for driving down and having a sleepover with us...We ALL had so much fun having you here :-). 

Celebrating Evan's birthday was such a BLAST!

Dear Evan,
Where has time gone my big boy?!  FOUR?!  Life just really flies by and so fast with you my love :)  It is such a joy being your mommy and watching you grow.  You have such a kind, loving heart.  You are an amazing friend and a caring big brother...always willing to do anything for your little sisters!  Watching you with baby Lucy just melts my heart...and seeing her smile when she sees you is so special.  You continue to surprise me with the funny things you say and crazy questions you ask!  You love telling stories and putting on shows to make everyone laugh :)  You love to build stuff, play with your leappad/ipad, listen to music and books on tape, dress up, read with your tag, play outside, watch your shows, and eat snacks!  You are becoming more and more independent each day!  You can pick out your own clothes and get yourself dressed, write your name, get your own snacks and water cup, get yourself in the car and buckled, do the restroom alone, and even like to take showers!  You are still super picky with would eat pizza for EVERY meal!  LOL.  OHHHHH Evan, each day with you is a new adventure :)  You keep mommy smiling!  Love you my sweet and only little boy!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A little homebound...

Friday night, Evan started to loose his voice.  I figured that was probably the first sign of a cold :/ .  So we have been a little homebound!  He is still a little hoarse today so kept him home in hopes that he would be 100% for his BIG 4th BIRTHDAY tomorrow!!!!

So here's a few pics of us just hanging around the house!

Ok...sort of inappropriate but also hilarious!  Not sure these are functioning properly.  So, wouldn't say fully potty trained by any means...but wearing panties or pull ups at home and diapers or pull ups out.  She is definitely ready and really interested in being potty trained though we haven't really had the time or energy to do the full out 3 day program :) .  So right now, it is Ainsley's choice with a few reminders...and once things calm down in the new house...we will do it full on!

Sweet girl!

Always full of giggles...

I LOVE this stage with all the new smiles!  And yay for bumbo seat!

She just loves this toy she got for Christmas!

The kids LOVE playing dressup!  And since getting the movie for Christmas..Ainsley loves "Cinderellie"

This pic was from Ainsley and Lucy's doc appt last Thursday...I showed her how you can see our new house out the window...Its on the left side of the pic in the distance!  Their checkups went well measuring at 90th percentile and 45th percentile for height and weighing in at 50th and 40th percentiles.  Lucy measures a little more proportional than Ainsley haha.

The only place we went this weekend was to see the house!


Pajama golf!!!!

And yesterday...some fun outdoor play!

Ains has a little bit of a shoe fetish...

Playdoh is one of Evan's most favorite things right now

And Lucy was loving the warm weather

 Just a couple of babies doing tummy time!

Reading with their tags!

Educational snacks?

Lucy is looks so old in this pic!!!

She looks like Ainsley when she sleeps!

That's all for now!  Will be sure to update tomorrow for my boy's big birthday :)