Friday, November 21, 2008

Check out this special TALENT!

Oh yeah! Look at this TALENT! :) Also comes in handy for remotes that frequently fall in between couch cushions!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

25 weeks!

Here is the 25 week shot! Hard to believe the big day is just 14 weeks away :) We have been working really hard getting the nursery all organized and it is looking really cute! Now, just need to buy some baskets/storage cubbies, wall shelves, and letters for his name. Once I get it all up...I will post another pic.

We did get our chair for the room though :) THANKS GRANDNAN and GRANDDAD! It is really COMFY! It is a brown chenille glider w/ ottoman.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Whoa Belly!

Here's a belly pic and a mommy and daddy pic!

Oh, a few I thought I would tell you the middle name comes from Great Aunt Jo. She is quite ill now, but used to be one of the craziest and spunkiest old ladies ever! I used to spend weeks with her several times a year growing up. She always (literally until my Senior Year in high school) spent the night with me Christmas Eve and always had fun stories to tell. She never had kids and so as you can imagine, those weeks in Texarkana were filled with shopping, movies, nails...and really ALL things GIRL! I have always wanted my first child to have her name as their middle :)

Also, we scheduled our 3-D ultrasound the other day! Totally pumped about that! It's on Christmas Eve and I am so excited because my mom and my grandmother (memere) will get to be there! :)

24 weeks!

I had my 24 week appointment on Wednesday. All is well :) They measured my belly and I am right where I should be! Heartrate was 149 :) Next time I have to get the glucose and they have to test my blood to see if I have built up antibodies to my O- bloodtype...yuck!

Also, he is now a FOOT long and over a pound, which I think is super exciting!

On another night when I sit on the couch, he will shift to one side, which is really funny looking and also kinda cool, because there is this one part that gets really hard and then I feel kicks under it, so we are pretty sure it is his BUTT! :) With all his crazy kicking (yeah already)...Chris is convinced we have a little swimmer on the way or maybe a Ninja (hahaha)?

I will post a belly pic probably tomorrow... or later today (so, keep checking back Pepere!) once I get dressed...I am in pj's right now!

Like the name?