Monday, December 29, 2008

It's been a VERY busy week!!!

We had a very relaxing Christmas Day! Of course we were up at 6:30 with MJ, but we just bummed around all day!!! Lucky my mom had her camera that I could steal all these pics from because of course, I FORGOT to take out my new one!!! I really need to become better about taking pics when little Evan arrives!

Christian testing out his new putter...cute pj's right? Santa brought him those fun slippers!

Me and MJ playing some Clue!

Our mess of a living room! Wow! I think we were REALLY good this year :)
Christian bought me the diamond earrings I really wanted!!!!! :)
Baby Hokie!
And of course, a Longhorn outfit! My mom was FAIR :)

Baby SHOWER!!!! On Sunday, my mom, aunt, and grandma gave me a baby shower! It was lots of fun! Here are the SUPER cute favors that Christian's mom sent!
Here is our ultrasound cake!
Cute sleepers and a baby book from Aunt Sarah! And Aunt Bethany got us the Tummy Time Mat! It looks like a surfboard, so adorable!
Baby carrier from MemereTub and bath set from my Aunt Nancy and Cousins! MJ also gave little Evan a shark bath mit, hooded towels, and washcloths!
AND WE PLAYED SOME REALLY FUN GAMES! This is the diaper game! I won this one :) Had to guess the candy bar...kind of a choco-holic!
I was SOOOOOO excited to get this because I really wanted this for little Evan! It's a Baby Einstein play mat!

Wow! Excersaucer from Christian's Aunt Chris!!!! How exciting!
My mom got us our Travel System! It is so neat! Can't wait to walk him in it! We have also been working like crazy getting the nursery all organized and finding cute wall hangings! I am hoping to get this stuff up this week, and I will post pics!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Rainy AZ Christmas :(

What a yucky Christmas Day!!!!! We feel so bad for all the kids who got fun outside toys from Santa!

Also discovered video chat today! You are right, Amy it is a neat way to keep in touch!!! We chatted with Christian's fam for quite a while today! I think we are going to have to get a new one for our laptop though!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

3D Ultrasound!

Today was SUPER exciting because we got our 3D ultrasound! Well, based on Evan's scrunched little face we think that he has dad's lips and eyes, mom's round face, cheeks, and ears. The verdict is still out on the nose because when we were doing the ultrasound we were thinking Christian's nose, but then once we saw the pics, we are now thinking my little puggy nose :)

The ultrasound technician said we were really lucky to get so many face shots and that he is so expressive, usually she can't get that many cute faces! Also, in the pics you can see the belly which is cute!

Here is a video, honestly I think the pics are better than the video and now that we have them, I think the black and white ones they put in a book for us are better than the color :)

This video clip is funny because of what he does towards the end...

And here are some pics!

Making a poopy face!

I think he looks JUST like CHRISTIAN here:

OPEN WIDE!!!! Being silly!
His feet and a hand:

And yes, he looks quite squished and kind of funny, but the technician made several comments about how CUTE he is!

Monday, December 22, 2008

3 days until CHRISTMAS!

I know I just put a pic up on Saturday...but thought I would put one up in front of the tree with all the presents :) Plus my mom is here, so she was able to take it so Christian could be in it!

I had a Doctor's appt today! It was the new doctor I switched to and I liked him ALOT better!!! He ensured me that he would deliver the baby and is really sweet. He came in to greet us and then left quickly on a delivery. Since he knew all the stuff that went on with the other doctor, he asked us to wait a few minutes for him to deliever the baby so that he could come back to do my appt, chat, etc. I thought we would be waiting ALL day! But seriously, it was 25 minutes. Kind of funny. Anyway, all is well. He felt around and said the baby is about 4 pounds! And I have 9 MORE WEEKS???? hahaha...most of you know Christian was 11 pounds, but the doctor said I am right on track to have an average sized baby. Since I am a little concerned considering Christian's past, he is going to do another ultrasound at about 34-35 weeks just to see his size.
He said if I was going to have a baby that big, I would already be measuring quite large and I am exactly the size I should be. Anyways, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! CHECK BACK WEDNESDAY FOR 3D PICTURES OF EVAN!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

30 week belly!

Here is the belly pic I promised!

Friday, December 19, 2008

9 weeks and some change to go...WHAT?????

So I am now 30 weeks and can't believe the single digit countdown has begun! The holidays are going to fly and it will be January before we know it!

Little Evan MOVES like crazy and sometimes kicks my ribs pretty hard!

Today was the last day of school for 3 WEEKS!!! WAHOOOOO!!!! It was fun though because my class threw me a surprise baby shower! :)

Will update with recent pic later!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

29 weeks!

A few new things this week:
1) Sleeping is already getting harder! I wake up all the time, usually uncomfortable and have a hard time falling asleep...RESTLESS LEGS! ugh!
2) Little Evan has quite the attitude :) When I first lay down at night, on my left side, he will literally hit the bed with his hands until I roll over, then he stops. If I rest my arms on my belly, he kicks my arms until I move them. He will also kick ya back if you poke my belly. Quite the character! I find it pretty funny.
3) Braxton Hicks? I very recently have felt my lower abdomen tighten up for about 30 seconds or so at a time. Not painful or anything, just awkward and from what I have heard from childbirth class and books, pretty normal.

Well I guess that is about it for now...hard to believe that next week at this time, I will be in the 30's!!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

11 weeks to go??? WHATTTT?????


I can't believe that in 11 weeks, Evan will be here! (Wow, that kind of stresses me out, I have so much to do!) But, I figured before I showed you an updated pic, I would show you the first belly pic I took. I never posted this one, because once I took it, I realized I really wasnt as "poochy" as I thought. I truly thought I was BIG at this time???? Whoa. This was taken Sept. 12th and I was 16 weeks!

And here is now! We had my work Christmas party last night! So we had to get a little fancy :) But most of you know, I love an excuse to get all dressed up!

Here's Christian and I at the party...
Me and Lindsay! We take a ton of pictures together, so figured I should give her some blog space :)
Well, pretty much just going to GROW GROW GROW from here on! Went to the doctor on Thursday, everything is healthy. It was kind of a rough appointment, but the only good thing about it, is that she showed me the way he is positioned, so I know what is always STABBING me in the ribs! THOSE BIG SWIMMING FINS!!!! :)

Also, hiccups feel REALLY weird!

This month is going to fly because there are LOTS of important dates:
20th - Mom and Bro come!
21st - Mom's B-Day
22nd - Dr. Appt
23rd - MY B-DAY!
24th - 3D ultrasound and X mas Eve
25th - Christmas!

Monday, December 1, 2008

We have been quite busy!!!

We had a great Thanksgiving! Here was the spread!!! Makes me hungry just looking at it :) We fried a turkey this year and it was delicious!!!

Well...Lindsay and I decided to get out at about 3:30am on Black Friday to get those GOOD deals! We got some amazing deals, but one thing I ended up with was a pulled tendon in my lower abdomen. It is quite painful. I am supposed to "stay off my feet". Yeah right...HELLO I work with 8 year olds! And I tried to stay off of it this weekend, but as you can see with the following pics...that really did not happen. I went to the doc today for my glucose test and the pulled tendon really isn't that big of a deal...just painful :)

I bought a sewing machine! wooo hooo! I had NEVER used one until Saturday and it has been quite fun!!! Here are some burps rags I bedazzled! Thanks Amy for the super cute idea :)

MY LITTLE LONGHORN!!! My secret Turkey Friend at work made me this Longhorn baby quilt!!! How adorable, right???

We spent alot of time this weekend decorating for the holidays! I LOVE Christmas decorations! It's a southern tree for sure...pearls and all :)

My village...I would love to live in this town...haha

Here is the living room. If you look up on the left shelf there is a Virginia Tech Christmas Tree. Chris got that a few Christmas' ago from his mom. My mom ordered me the TEXAS one yesterday that matches it!!! I am so will go on the right shelf! The House is DIVIDED...Evan will have quite the decision to make :)

A few pics of the belly! Sorry about the obnoxious glare. We were trying to be festive and take the pics by the tree but the color is awful! Oh well...I will take some good pics for later this week when I will be in my THIRD TRIMESTER!!!! WOOOO HOOO!!!!!Also, Christian and I start our childbirth class on Wednesday night!!! HEEE HEEE WHOOO WHOOO :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Check out this special TALENT!

Oh yeah! Look at this TALENT! :) Also comes in handy for remotes that frequently fall in between couch cushions!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

25 weeks!

Here is the 25 week shot! Hard to believe the big day is just 14 weeks away :) We have been working really hard getting the nursery all organized and it is looking really cute! Now, just need to buy some baskets/storage cubbies, wall shelves, and letters for his name. Once I get it all up...I will post another pic.

We did get our chair for the room though :) THANKS GRANDNAN and GRANDDAD! It is really COMFY! It is a brown chenille glider w/ ottoman.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Whoa Belly!

Here's a belly pic and a mommy and daddy pic!

Oh, a few I thought I would tell you the middle name comes from Great Aunt Jo. She is quite ill now, but used to be one of the craziest and spunkiest old ladies ever! I used to spend weeks with her several times a year growing up. She always (literally until my Senior Year in high school) spent the night with me Christmas Eve and always had fun stories to tell. She never had kids and so as you can imagine, those weeks in Texarkana were filled with shopping, movies, nails...and really ALL things GIRL! I have always wanted my first child to have her name as their middle :)

Also, we scheduled our 3-D ultrasound the other day! Totally pumped about that! It's on Christmas Eve and I am so excited because my mom and my grandmother (memere) will get to be there! :)

24 weeks!

I had my 24 week appointment on Wednesday. All is well :) They measured my belly and I am right where I should be! Heartrate was 149 :) Next time I have to get the glucose and they have to test my blood to see if I have built up antibodies to my O- bloodtype...yuck!

Also, he is now a FOOT long and over a pound, which I think is super exciting!

On another night when I sit on the couch, he will shift to one side, which is really funny looking and also kinda cool, because there is this one part that gets really hard and then I feel kicks under it, so we are pretty sure it is his BUTT! :) With all his crazy kicking (yeah already)...Chris is convinced we have a little swimmer on the way or maybe a Ninja (hahaha)?

I will post a belly pic probably tomorrow... or later today (so, keep checking back Pepere!) once I get dressed...I am in pj's right now!

Like the name?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

23 weeks!

Christian worked SOOOO hard getting that VERY messy room all cleaned out last weekend! So, here is a little nursery preview. Obviously, still much work to be done...but here you can see the bedding and monkey mobile :)

Here is a belly pic! I think I have myself a BIG boy! Pics, not so flattering, but oh well!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Today is a VERRRRRYYYYYY exciting day!!!! Christian felt the baby kick this morning!!!!! I was laying on my side in bed and he was kicking pretty hard (didn't hurt, just more dramatic than usual), guess he doesn't like when I lay on the right. So, I had Christian put his hand there and he felt him!!!!!!!!!!

Later today I will post a belly pic...but today is 80's day at school, so I am looking a bit retro. Though, for most of you who know me, know I went through a pretty big retro phase in college, so I was excited to pull out some of the old threads :) haha!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


So I found this website... upload pics of yourself and they "make your baby"...PRETTY HILARIOUS!!!! Scary, but FUNNY! Here is what we got!!! We used a few different set of pics...,then threw in a girl pic just for fun...we just hope EVERYONE gets ugly babies on the site, and we aren't the "fortunate" ones...hahahaha :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Belly pic, cramps, nursey, and concert!

On Saturday night, Chris and I went to a concert! It was SOOOO fun...and the baby loved it too! He was moving around like crazy during the concert! I got some fun looks, being at a concert...but, the pizza guy hooked me up with the biggest piece and one with most bubbles, which he assured me he usually keeps for himself. haha...and I am sure that the lead singer of Straylight Run was THRILLED when the chick that approached him after his concert telling him how much he ROCKED was a pregnant momma :) But, we had a BLAST! We also snagged a snap shot into our future when we saw a few pretty hip parents with their kids at the concert...sooooo us!

Here is a 22 week belly pic...ONLY 22 weeks but feel HUGE!
It has been hard to sleep and I have had some growing pains these last couple of weeks. Last night was bad, I was kind of scared, but it shortly went away. Figured something had to be coming, that first trimester was WAY to EASY!

We thought it would be funny to add this pic to show how much work we have ahead of us in the nursery...well really how much work we will be doing BEFORE Saturday when we pick up our furniture! This junk room is out of control!
Christian has really been great! As most of you know...I LOVE cooking, but since being a mommy, have not really felt so up for it...though with the holidays coming I better SNAP out of it, because I LOVE BAKING! Well, anyway, here HE IS...BAREFOOT IN THE KITCHEN!