Sunday, September 25, 2011

We told you she has an attitude!

Ainsley is such a crack up! She is constantly making funny noises and hilarious faces!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


 Today, Evan celebrated his friend Ava's 3rd Birthday Party at JAMBO!  An indoor amusement park!  It was so cute and all sorts of little rides the kids could do!  Mims stayed with Ainsley so Evan and Mommy got some quality time together.  It was so cute though because on the way home, Evan said "Mommy I miss my Ainsley girl!"

We started off the morning with puzzles...of course!
 Riding the train with his friend Kaylee!

 Dumbo ride!  Reminds me of DisneyLand!  Evan, Camden, and Kaylee in the pink Elephant (such good boys letting the girl choose!)

 Typical Evan....
 LOVED THIS!  Though he was making the funniest squinty eye face and Amy and I couldn't tell if he was going to fall asleep or barf. LOL
The boys riding a more manly elephant...LOVE how Cam is in the backseat!  LOL
 ROBOTIC ANIMALS!  All the kids wanted to do this so bad and waited so patiently!
 Kaylee riding an elephant

 And what do you think Evan chose???!!!!


We had such a fun Saturday afternoon with our friends!  Enjoy a few videos of him riding the rides!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A First For Evan!

Today, Evan had his first dentist appointment!  He was VERY nervous!  He was so scared of the xray machine though, so they didn't do those today.  They cleaned and examined him and the dentist said if there was a problem they would xray.  He did much better for the cleaning and exam because he got to watch Despicable Me while he laid there but poor baby was all splotchy and had tears in his eyes the whole time because he was so worked up :(  After his check-up he got a balloon, treasure box, and a new toothbrush.
 We got this far....but once he saw the was all over.
 Getting his cleaning and watching his movie. 
 Letting him take a peek...
 Prize time for no cavities! 
 And a few more...Yesterday...we had some fun in the Dollar spot at Target!
 OOOOOO scary!
 Didnt get either of those...but had to get this HOKIE HAT!  Evan was SOOOOO excited to give it to Daddy!  Daddy wore it for a while (should have taken a pic of that) but then it was Evan's turn!
 And a few pics of our little monsters LOL wearing the shirts Christian and I made them!

Three-Fourths of a year old!

Ainsley is 9 months old and I just can't believe it!  Our little lady is such a blessing to our family!  She is vivacious, dramatic, LOVES her brother, and at times still a little shy!  She is doing great developmentally!  Chatting, crawling, cruising, pulling up, stands independently for about 5 seconds (wonder if she will walk before a year?), and gets into EVERYTHING!  She is napping right now and so I am doing a major coupon organization project.  I am literally watching the clock as I type because she will be up soon and I have got to finish this project before my coupons are in shreds!  Poor Evan has lost a few coloring books because she tears and crumbles everything!  Such a mischeivious little thing!  She is getting to the age to where she wants EVERYTHING he has!  Today they were literally fighting for turns on the ipod (he plays apps but she just looks at it) got so bad...I had to take it and put it away!  They were both screaming and grabbing eachother!  I am sure I am in for much more of that.  Miss Ainsley totally doesnt know her own strength and Evan being older doesn't seem to bother her...she totally holds her own.  LOL.  Evan is so laid back and she is so....NOT.  :)  Got to love an independent woman!

Ainsley is eating all sorts of foods!  Mainly self feeding now because when we try to feed her, she just spits it at as and cracks up with a scrunchy face snorty laugh.  She is sleeping well again after about 2 weeks of SERIOUS teething, she has 8 total either fully through or poking.  At Evan's appt today, his dentist called her a baby shark...yep pretty much! LOL

She had her 9 month check up today and still a healthy growing girl!  21 pounds and 30 inches long.  I can't believe the next time we go back she will be a year!!!! 

OK, on to some pics from her 9 month mommy photo shoot!  Here is she wearing the monster shirt  I made her...

 Sweet girl...LOVES this ball!  And recently has been carrying a purse around the house with her (crawling around with it) is a treat bag from Kaylee's birthday party...cracks me up!
 Check out the baby shark!  HAHA!
 OK....sooooo little model here...whenever I get out the camera...this is her new face that she poses with!  Hence all the pics with the mouth open!  SERIOUSLY...she cracks me up!  What a ham!

 Always into something...
I look forward to all the fun things we have coming up and all the FIRSTS for Miss Ainsley!  First Halloween, First Thanksgiving, First steps, First Birthday Party...This fall is going to be quite eventful and I can't wait!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Ainsley can be quite the chatterbox!  Her word of the day:  Da-Da!  She also says Mom/Mama, Bubba, Hi...but we haven't yet gotten that on video!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

For those of you far away...

Just a few videos :)  Of our little babies being adorable :)  LOL I am one proud mama!

Here is Ainsley trying to feed herself!

This was just all of us playing after dinner the other night...Please excuse Ainsley's crazy hair...she is such a messy eater and this was right before bath! 

HOW CUTE IS THIS????  These two melt my heart!  They kept doing this for like 20 minutes!  He would run out to the off for her then run back and talk to her through the door!

Fun around the house!

Aren't I doing so much better about posting?! are some pics from some fun stuff we have been doing around the house! 

My two little sweeties!

Last Tuesday morning, My friend Andrea stopped by with her little guy Ethan...she had been out of town for a month and dropped by for a little visit (and brought mommy yummy starbucks!)...Ainsley and Ethan played so well...ALTHOUGH...Ainsley is VERY friendly and was kind of all over him!  Kissing him, hugging him, climbing on him, pulling his hair!  OH GOODNESS!

 Ainsley is getting so much more independent...moves everywhere and we frequently find her playing in Evan's room with all his toys the puppies gate...

 OHHHHH the little princess...Ainsley LOVES Kaylee's princess piano...
 Asking Daddy for it for her Birthday...LOL
 Evan is such a techy boy!  Can totally work computers, phones, ipods....plays games on Christian's iphone and my ipod all the time and has to look at the BIG Ipods (Ipads) whenever we go to Target...soooo he thought it was pretty cool that Kaylee has one!  She did a great job at sharing and giving Evan lots of turns!
 This one is always into something!  LOL...Unpacking her diaper bag!
 BEST buds...seriously...even in public, strangers comment about how well they get along :)

 GAMES!  Evan LOVES games and puzzles!  Lately we have been spending hours playing games and spreading the puzzles all over the living room floor!  Today, we played Cootie (this was one of my dollar deals last christmas but he was a little too young but perfect now!).  Oh and all you bargain shoppers...I got Chuttes and Ladders for 1.99 at Target.  And with a second coupon, going back for Candy Land :)

 And LOVES potato head!  Many hours spent playing with him!

 Saturday, we watched the UT football game and of course were all decked out!

 Sunday, we baked these yummy Auntie Anne pretzels that Sarah got us when she was here!  THEY WERE SOOOO GOOD.  Only problem...well...I only made 1 that said Evan and so yesterday when he wanted a "special pretzel" (we always have the frozen super pretzels on hand but that wasn't gonna cut it)...well all I had left was regular twisted ones so Evan's solution..."Come on Mommy just bake more"...LOL...He finally settled on a regular one.

Side Note:  Evan TOTALLY has Daddy's, pretzels, cheezits, pasta, chicken nuggets, bacon...all his favorite things...

 This is the one I made for Ainsley :)

 HAHAHA...SHE LOVED It too!  SUCH A LITTLE HAM!  Check out those top teeth!  FINALLY got it on camera!
Til next time... :)