Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What these 3 are up to...

Photo explosion post!  This week ends my two weeks off from any pro jobs, so I have been snapping away on my 3 favorite subjects!  It's also a goal of mine this year to take more photos of the crew!  And a perfect time to start this little goal because all sorts of things going on around here!

We will start with Lucy! 

Mims, this pasta night photo is for you!  Yes, Lucy is quite the eater and MESSY at that - and honestly since she decided she must have a plate and utensils...EVEN messier.  Isn't a fork and spoon supposed to HELP some of the mess?

She prefers to just sit at the table instead of in a chair and is CLIMBING on EVERYTHING right now!

Loves being snuggled before her nap and singing songs...

(photo cred to Dadd-o who shot this in MANUAL...woop)

And LOVES to hide!  

Evan and Ainsley  - Just a few of these best buds.

And now onto Evan!

BIG Evan news!!!!!!  HE IS READING!!!!!!!!!

He has always been a book worm but now able to do it independently!  Still not reading everything he wishes he could (star wars) BUT I think he has figured out he will get there!

Many lucky family members have gotten bed time stories via FaceTime!  And I hope Mims and Pops are ready for this weekend - he has been working hard on that spiderman book you got him!

And he continues to be so creative and imaginative.  (I love this reflection)

I don't even remember taking this...but his expression is cracking me up.  BLUE STEEL?

Yeah, this is more the Evan we all know!


Most days you can find her playing Barbies, Ponies, drawing, or whatever boy thing Evan is doing.  

This week fighting a nasty cold so been pretty home bound.

Apology and explanation of naked Barbies:  She said it was "beach" day.  I said "why are they naked?  we don't go naked to the beach" She said she didn't have enough swim suits and "I would rather be naked at the beach than get my pretty clothes wet". I told her this would not be an acceptable answer when she is a teenager.

And baby #4 will be 14 weeks tomorrow!  Second trimester HERE WE COME!  Day 3 of not being sick! WOOHOO!

Gender reveal March 18th!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

What a way to celebrate the BIG 5! - ANGRY BIRDS!

Sunday, Evan celebrated the BIG 5 will all his little buddies!  We were counting down until this big day for a LONG time!  He has had this theme picked out for quite a while...


We had all sorts of themed food (of which I didn't take any photos of, and THANK GOODNESS for Megan and Sara taking over my camera or I wouldn't have any of these photos - All moms know how it is to host a party! LOL)

The Cake!  We had it made them Christian set the scene on top!  Worked perfect!

Jedi Juice and Force Fuel.  We also had "Jaba the HUT dogs", "Chewbaca Chips and Dips", "Vader Veggies" "Grape Lightsabers", "Wookie Cookies" "Yoda Soda" and some other non themed foods! LOL.  Thank you Mims for helping me get it all together!  And Todd for manning the grill! 

His friends arrived and we got right to fun!  Bounce house, hockey table, climbing in the fort, tattoos!

Right before lunch we had our first game!  We used boxes (thx Mimi!) and little spongey angry bird characters to make life size angry bird games! 

It was lots of fun for all the kids!  They played it over and over!

Lucy and her pops!

After lunch we played another fun game!  "Pop the Piggy!"  The night before the neighbors (my lifesavers - pulling an all nighter with us haha) helped us blow up lots of white storm trooper pig balloons!  The kids wore angry bird masks and used the noodle lightsaber party favors Christian and I made to pop them! 

Group photo - we are missing a few :-/

After the game and lots of noodle battles, haha, it was time for presents and cake!  

Evan had so much fun celebrating his birthday with all his friends!  THANK YOU to everyone who came and made his day so special!!!