Not for this guy!!! He was so excited and totally ready to go this morning...guess that means he was ready, right? Of course before he left I had to take a few quick pics! I love all the different faces he makes....
Like here...a little unsure...
Goofy grin!
Sleepy eyes :)
And we let Ainsely get in a few!
Pointing at Daddy because he was making him laugh :)
Out in front of school!
Walking in...yeah I know dork mom for taking pics of this stuff but trust me I wasn't the only paparazzi there. LOL
By his classroom. Room 7, Mrs. Jennifer
Organizing his stuff and finding his cubby he picked out yesterday.
And once he signed himself in and was settled, he got to choose a table activity. He chose pattern blocks!
Evan and Mrs. Jennifer
After I took this pic...Evan said "Ok mom...bye! I am going to have a great day!" It was so easy! I was of course on the verge of tears...but HAD to hold it together for him! Cried on the way home :) It was weird not having him with me!
And before Christian and I left we peeked through the windows and so I snapped a few. He was looking at things with a magnifying glass.
Most of the preschool room except the reading corner and library area.
Once we left Ainsley and I headed home for some girl time! She was SO easy! It was crazy! Usually she is pretty high maintenance! I can't believe how easy it was with just one! Kind of forgot how much you can get done :) I mean Evan is such an easy kid but there are little siblings tiffs!
Just love her in these boots! Don't tell Evan! haha
And when I arrived he was ready to go and couldn't stop telling me everything he did today! He also made a few friends (though could only remember one of their names :) ). His favorite things were the puppets in the story corner, doing construction diggers outside (he said he got 2 turns), playing in the water table, riding a bike and truck, sliding down the hill, playing skee ball (not sure about this...I havent seen that there), drawing, shaving cream and lunch time. Even though super slow eater didn't finish much of it! haha! Oh and he was very proud of himself that he can use a paper towel to turn off the water in the sink after he washes his hands. LOL.
We celebrated his first day with a little ice cream treat!
He had a great first day and can't wait to go back tomorrow!!!!
Oh my goodness...I can remember dropping of the girls at their first day--tears! :) He looks so grown-up and handsome!
That is so awesome that he did so well! Don't worry it won't be long before you can't wait for him to go to school so you can get a break LOL
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