Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Between being SO incredibly sick last week (and seem to have caught a cold this week-AND THANK YOU SO MUCH fam and friends for all the calls, texts, messages...I really appreciate it), heading to PHX for the weekend, and getting lots of stuff ready for baby and around the house...things have been CRAZY! I don't even know where the days and weeks go! Between Evan's school schedule, Ainsley's playgroup, gym class, weekly doc appts (sometimes twice a week), and Christian's busy for the Lindbergs at times feels quite chaotic! That being is happy chaos! :)
OK, back to last week :)
Last Tuesday was water day! Evan couldn't wait to get to school! We were even there a few minutes early because he got up and got himself all dressed and ready! :) Water is a good motivator I suppose! He had a blast! His favorite part was the carwash they had set up and the kids got to wash all the bikes and scooter boards! They try to make even the fun days very real world. It's neat :)
That being said...obviously he had a blast...but I have been having all sorts of mommy guilt lately that I am doing all these fun playgroup activities when he is at school. I know it is so important for Ainsley to have ALL my attention at times and I have to remember that Evan being the first got ALOT of that but I still feel sad sometimes! I just have so many memories taking him to the zoo, children's museum, mom and me classes, library...I get a little weepy that he is growing up so fast. Makes me feel better that all the other siblings are also at school :) BUT, since finding out we went...has been constantly asking if we can go. So, we will have a trip in the near future. Ainsley is moving up to the 2 year old class at gym so that will free up our Wednesdays to be able to do something special for him! AND I think I may have to leave out some of the fun things we do so he doesn't feel left out (good advice Sara)
Anyway, so after drop off we headed downtown to the Children's museum.
Here are Ainsley and Parker checking out the crabs. These two are SO funny. TOTAL love-hate relationship-I say because they are the different gender form of eachother. Ainsley asks about Parker all the time but def get into some brawls :) At one point last week Parker pushed her and she slapped him back...but few minutes later...playing happily!
Fun in the music room with vibration
Mixing it up in the kitchen!
Carly and Ainsley...bouncing to make the balls so up the tubes!
We had a great time with our friends then walked down to a yummy little restaurant and had lunch! AND lots of homemade icecream!
NOT typical restaurant behavior for Ainsley, she was exhausted! 3 seconds in the car...she was out!
And YAY for some cooler weather later in the week too! One day it was in the 70's so the kids got to enjoy their outside playroom and of course their jumpoline Aunt Sarah got them!
Jumped all day into the night!
On Saturday, we headed up to Phoenix for Christian's End of Fiscal Party! It was at Dave and Busters. The kids stayed for a little while and then Mims couldn't stand it any longer and picked them up :) Evan was so surprised!
And while he was there he went bowling for the first time! No strikes but was the only little one playing so played about 4 rounds solo. He couldn't get enough of it!
After having some adult time at the party, we headed back to Mims house for the night and some family time!
The kids had a great time playing with all MJ's old toys :)
OOOOOOOOOK. So, see that baby doll laying on the floor? mom got it for me when I was younger and remember being so EXCITED that it goes in the tub...well it is a BOY doll and a very obvious boy doll. It has always been this family joke about how inappropriate it is. haha. AND of course...MISS LITTLE MOMMY...had to play babies and this was the one she wanted. Mims let her take a bath with it Saturday and the secret was out and Ainsley totally made the connection "baby boy". And after the bath carried it around in a towel or naked the whole rest of the time we were there. My mom said she is buying her one for Christmas. YIKES. So here she is with her purse and naked "baby boy". She was pretty creative though and put the baby in the purse, then would wear it around on her back like a baby carrier. So funny.
And my mom found this super cute shirt at Target for Evan...he was in love! Wore it for 2 days straight of which after I had to force washing. Shirt with detachable cape...genius!
And after seeing a pic of her wearing Evan's cars slippers...of course when he wasnt around...
She picked her up a pair of Hello Kitty ones :) She thought she was hot stuff.
Hanging out with Uncle! Our move has been toughest on MJ :/
I dont know if its because of the anticipation of a newborn or the Snooki Poof my mom did with her hair...but Ainsley is looking so old to me!
Check out those water bottle skills. HAHA.
We headed back pretty late Sunday night. We were having such a great time it was hard to get motivated to leave!
Pregnancy update: 30 weeks TOMORROW! Oh my goodness! Time is flying! Craving coffee, burgers, chocolate and feeling the itch to get lots done! Very excited to take on a few projects for friends and going to get a jump start on some fall crafts and decor. Normal aches and pains but feeling good and just trying to enjoy my last few months of my last pregnancy! And because I have gotten a ton of questions regarding the name of BG#2 figured I would formally announce that her name is....
We have a short list but we think we need to see her this time around! So hard to think of another name once you already have one! I am sure I would have this problem with a boy too! If we happent to figure it out before the big day...I will let everyone know!