When you are 10 months old...there are all sorts of fun things you can do...
Practice your scary monster face...
Put an ice pack on your boo boos
Then chew on it...LOL
Cheese it up for the camera...
Touch your toes!
Do a handstand
Reach for things on the counter (ps...this is another dress I made her :) )
Play music...
Smile with a paci in your mouth
Beg your brother for food...
And it works! LOL
Make goofy faces
Eat big girl food...(refuses anything pureed)
Push things around the house
Play race cars with bubba...
AND of course...SOOO much more!
-Loves... Mickey Mouse Clubhose, riding in the wagon, swinging, snacks, bath time, electronics, baby dolls, purses, shoes, Little gym, Evan, puppies, bananas, bread, drinking from a cup, making silly faces and hilarious noises, jumping on Evan's bed, climbing on the couch, music, dancing, all fruit, being held, 2 pacis at bedtime, blowing raspberries, clapping, being sang to, getting her picture taken, throwing balls
-Doesn't really like...bedtime, riding in the car, strangers, cheese, vegetables, when Evan doesn't share his toys
-DISlikes...getting her diaper changed, long trips to the grocery store, dropping Evan off at preschool (screams everytime LOL)
Happy 10 Month Birthday, Ainsley girl! WE LOVE YOU!
Awww what a cheese face!! Happy 10 month day Ains!
So many of her facial expressions are just like Evan's! I love it!
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