Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Family always on the GO needs a good camera phone!

That title kind of cracks me up because anyone who talks to me on the phone, knows it is a TERRIBLE phone...haha but...the camera does work!  I am not sure I ever really used the camera on my phone until I had kids!  And even more so once I started my photo of the day blog!  I am loving that blog every more each day and planning on continuing it in 2012 :) 

Anyways...this post is full on those "on the go" quick shots where I couldn't grab big camera :)

Loving our afternoon wagon rides!  Even if it is still 100 degrees out.

Swinging...funny because Evan never uses a baby swing anymore...BUUUUUT since his sister did...of course :)

Sitting in a car at the children's museum!

First ride on the slide with Daddy!

 Caught making a cute face!

YUUUUMMMY banana...WHO DOES SHE LOOK LIKE HERE?!  Yep...her daddy!

Playing at the park with our friends!

 Such a spunky little thing!

Evan's homework the other night was to draw his family!  We did it on chalk in the driveway!  Evan is growing up so fast!  Everyday he is getting more and more independent!  We are now 100% in underwear!  He loves making his own snacks and meals, picking out his own clothes, and tells me he doesn't need lids on cups anymore :)   Such a big boy!


BAGEL!  This picture makes Daddy proud.  LOL

 She is such a climber!  Fridge, stools, chairs, dishwasher!
And this is what happens when you dump the rest of the bottle of bubble bath in the tub!  LOL...Lots of fun for Evan :)

NOTE:  I was going to post pics of the kids in their costumes that I got taken this weekend buuuuut decided to make you wait a little longer ;)  PLUS, most of you will be getting them in the mail :)

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