Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Who's That Girl?....

Who's that GIIIIRL????  THE AINS!

Haha...Not sure if any of you have watched the new show on Fox, New Girl but that is the theme song (with Jess instead of Ainsley) and we have been singing it like crazy around the house...guess it's Ainsley's theme song now...Evan sings it all the time...it's hilarious!  And she starts clapping, dancing, bouncing whenever she hears it! 

So this is a post full of pics of our little lady! 

Ainsley and Mommy!
 OOOOO....big girl in Pigtails!  She thought she was seriously hot stuff!  HAHA

 Check out this FANCY little outfit ;)
 Oh the many faces of Ainsley...

 Playing so nice...doesn't she look big next to Evan!  Just today out in public...a lady was shopping with her 9 month old boy and asked me..."how old is she?  Over a year?"....hmmm never really thought she looked old...but maybe...

 Little Hippie Baby!  HAHA...a friend told me to keep her little sundresses because she may be able to wear them as shirts...well VIOLA!
 I like my new pants.  Children's Place has the cutest little bell bottoms for baby girls...these were a gift and I LOVE THEM!

 With Mims...wearing the dress I made her a while back :)

 LOVING on her Bubba! Aren't her corkers cute?

Fun at LG... 

 OH and of course...a Diva moment...Evan was in preschool and we were running errands...Now why in the world would I not let her rip everything off the racks?  What a mean mommy?!  LOL
 OHHHH a mirror where I can check myself out...much better now!

Enjoying every second with BG but, so sad that she is growing up so fast! 

1 comment:

The ABC Family said...

oooo I'm loving the bell bottoms too! What a cutie!