Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fun year so far!

So far 2013 has been a fun year and full of some firsts!

Lucy smiles ALL the time now!!!!

Ok not smiling here but was trying to get her super long eye lashes!

Evan got his hair cut and no longer wants me to come back with him!  Just to sit in the waiting room like Big Daddy did when he took him!  He was cracking all the ladies up :-)  They said next time they are going to fight over who gets to cut his hair! lol.  What a little charmer!

Lucys favorite sleep position...Christian usually calls her bug (HUGE eyes) but also little Koala...

I thought this pic was so cute of Evan for a few reasons.  1) He saw this hat when we were looking at party stuff and hasn't really taken it off since! (over a week ago) and 2) He is sleeping with my "favorite pillow" little white pillow in pic from when I was a little girl.  He has been feeling scared at bed time lately and said it makes him feel better!  so sweet.  It was given to me by my great grandma-Mama Clark. 

Monday mornings we try to attend playtime at My Gym!!!!  Lots of fun!!!!

Sweet pic of Ainsley and Parker.  Life is SO exhausting right now and I couldn't make it to playgroup on Tuesday so Sara had us over Thursday!  It was so nice!  The kids played, we chatted, and enjoyed lunch!

Most of you probably saw this on facebook...I am sorry...SO FUNNY!  and I guess pretty inappropriate.

And a big first and fun thing for the new year...Evan started soccer!

His first game was Saturday and it was freezing!

He kicked the ball 7 times!  5 times during plays and 2 kick offs.  GO EVAN!

Though after the 2nd quarter started to tire out and just wanted to socialize. LOL

Great first game Evan!  Keep it up!

So far...the year is off to a great start!

1 comment:

Sallie said...

I just love your little red head all the things he does!