Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top 10 of 2012

Saw this idea on another blog...and LOVED it! 
So here is our...
Lindberg Family Top 10 of 2012!

1)  Lucy Austin
Our third and last little Lindberg...Full of spunk...a little firecracker already (so she fits in beautifully)! So loved by her bubba and sis!

2) Moving to Tucson
So scary at first...but so glad we did it!  Christian loves his job here and I am really loving the community (it is such a small town!) we live in and the views here!  We had met lots of new people and made some great friends.  LOVE waking up to these mountains everyday!

3) Evan starting preschool
Evan LOVES school!  He is so inquisitive and curious about everything!  He would go everyday if he could! 

4) Big 5 year anniversary! 
Wow.  Have we been busy the last 5 years or WHAT?!

5) Building our new house
So excited to get settled in our new home!  Feb 15th is the big day!  Cant wait for the memories, holidays, birthdays...and everyday we will have in this house!  Lots of room for visitors too! ;-)

6) Visits from Family and Friends we love!
Mimi came this year to help take care of me for about 7 weeks!  My mom tries to come at least once a month and Jackie has visited with the girls quite a few times too!  We love having visitors!

7) BFFs
These two are inseparable...together all the time!  I just love seeing them play together and even though of course there are fights...they are short lived and they get right back to the fun!

8) Summer vacation at the beach!
We just love the time we get to spend at the beach and hoping with schedules, etc in the future...we can continue to go each year!  We have so many memories as a family together there!

9) Big girl bed
Ainsley upgraded to a big girl bed so baby Lucy could have her crib!  Ainsley did FANTASTIC with her big girl bed and LOVES that theres a trundle for company or her bubba to sleep on!  Now...if we can just get rid of that paci!  Hopefully that will make this years top 10 ;-)
10) Rudy's comes to AZ
I know this one is a little crazy BUT...Rudy's coming to AZ was a pretty big deal for us!!! HAHA!  For me...its a piece of Texas...which I will probably always really consider my "home" and for Christian a piece of amazing meat.  HAHAHA.  It's not only a piece of Texas but of Austin...which was a very special city for both of us!  We have a healthy OBSESSION of this place and anytime we go to PHX make a stop.  Early morning drive by?  Breakfast!  Afternoon. Evening. Late night...we've stopped.  Probably better it's not in Tucson and at least an hour away!

2012 was a CRAZY and FUN year!!!  I'd say...our most eventful yet!  Welcome 2013...you have alot to live up to! :-) 


Sallie said...

Happy New Year! Great memories to come I am sure! ;)

Lindbergfam said...

Thanks Sallie! I keep trying to comment on your post on your blog and it wont let me! I am actually checking it on a computer tonight so maybe it will work! Hope you guys had a merry christmas! Miss you!

Rachel said...

Sounds like 2012 was wonderful. Love the pic of all three of your children at the beg. of the post. So sweet.