Monday, June 4, 2012

Where does the time go?!

This weekend, Christian and I celebrated our 5th anniversary!  Where does time go?!  Seems like JUST yesterday we got married!  That being said...we have done ALOT in this 5 years!  I remember on our honeymoon talking about where and what we would be doing in 5 years and it seeming so far away :)   We had always talked about a big second honeymoon at 5 years...but wow does it creep up on you!  Especially with 2 kids and one on the way!!!! :-0  

We talked this weekend about where we will be in 5 years from now and seeing how many things that can happen in 5 years...neither of us really had many guesses except that we would be together :)

And...will take that 2nd honeymoon :)

Just a few old pics!

This weekend we did get some quality time together!  My mom and Todd came down from PHX to watch the kids and sent us to a resort here!  We had a great time swimming, relaxing, going out to dinner, and just having some down time together!  At times...we didn't know what to do with ourselves!  THANK YOU MIMS AND TODD SO MUCH!  WE HAD A GREAT TIME!

And...this weekend will also be great because...Christian turns the BIG 3-0!!!!!

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