18 months! A year and a half! 547.5 days have gone way to fast :)
AND we have enjoyed every single SECOND of it!
Yesterday, Ainsley was 18 months, so I thought I would try and snap some pretty pics of her. Well...as most of you know who have been moms to a year a half old...things dont always go as planned!
Here she is not cooperating!
Pointing to the front door because she wanted to go inside!
Well...guess she wanted things on her terms because she did better in her room sitting in her rocker!
Oh our sweet girl!
Don't have any of her stats weight/height wise yet so decided a few things about this special little lady :)
-Starting to get pretty talkative! Will say...more, please, thank you, drink, water, cookie, boo boo, owie, duck, doggy, baby, bubba, mom, daddy, eats, paci, go, down, done, jump, uh oh, "I wet", poo-poo, bow, hair, pretty, yes, no, don't, stop it, "ARRRRR" like a pirate (brother's influence)...thats all I can think of rigtht now :) And will put a few words together.
-Can do quite a few animal sounds-Elephant is her favorite to do but I think Dogs are her favorite animal
-Loves to sing! Attempts Happy Birthday...and when you get to the "To....." part...always says Daddy :)
-Enjoys coloring in coloring books and on the magna doodle
-Still loves her paci
-Wants nothing to do with a stroller or shopping cart
-You may notice she wears rompers pretty often...that is because she will not leave her diaper on! And since she can take her shorts off...this helps with messes! haha. Other have moms have told me she is ready for the potty...but is it bad that I am not ready to go there yet?!
-Not into TV at all...but does love Baby Einstein. She is such a little busy body.
-Wants to play outside all the time
-Some of her favorite foods: ALL fruits, will always try any vegetable and any new food, does NOT like meat pretty much of any kind, loves yogurt, mac n cheese (pasta of any kind for that matter), cheese crackers of any kind, soft pretzels, apple sauce, she is a mandarin organge monster, pizza, FIG NEWTONS (oh my kids and the fig newtons!), pretty much anything snick-snacky! :)
-SUPER fun personality! EXTREMELY indepedent (has to try everything herself), can still be pretty shy/sassy to strangers, still loves to cuddle and be held, plays with her brother all the time :)
Ainsley...you are just so much fun! So full of life and spunk! We just love you so so so much!!!!!!
On another note: We have a few names we are deciding between. Evan and Ainsley each like a different one! How will we ever choose?! haha
PS...Yes, the blog has gone through a little facelift...actually accidently messed it up the other day and just decided to simplify it a bit! THANK YOU SALLIE SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP!
She is so sassy...even through her photos! Definitely will be your little mommy! :) Vacation-yay! And I love the blog-lift and family photo!
I can't wait to see all of you!!!
And if they both like different names why don't you make one the first name and one the middle name? Just a thought. I am sure whatever is chosen will be great!
Lots of <3
God Mommy/Sarah
Sallie- yes a little sass for sure :). She's fun! And thanks!!! Glad you like the changes!!!!
Sarah- we can't wait to see you either!!!!! Woohooo!!!! Oh and not sure either first name works as a middle but I do think we may have a middle :).
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