Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Evan's 1st School Party!

Today at preschool, they had a Halloween party!  They got to wear costumes, decorate cupcakes, and sing some songs for the parents :)  It was so cute!  Thank you Amy!

Evan with all his little friends!

Ainsley loves watching the big ones!

Ms Amy helping him with the sprinkles

Ainsley LOVES Camden...if he is around she is always following him :)  TOO CUTE!  She was good taste ;)  When I turned around though...she had taken his knife and was licking all the frosting off!  Camden is too nice to take it from her LOL


Here is a little video of them doing one of their dances...Funny becasue this was my brothers FAVORITE song when he was little! :)  Evan was just kind of showing off...LOL

Sunday, October 23, 2011

SPOOKtacular Saturday!

Yesterday was alot of fun!  We went to a Halloween party at Little Gym!  They had all sorts of fun games and treats!  Everyone knew what Evan was right when he walked in :)

 My cousin Jamie and her little girl Lexi were there too!  Here's Ainsley with Aunt Nancy!  Ainsley was soooo overstimulated!  LOOOOOOVES gym but wouldn't let anyone put her down!


Check out this awesome slide!  Evan has no fear!

 Went fishing!  Caught some goldfish crackers!
 Camden was a firefighter!  TOO CUTE!
 Bean bag toss!
Hockey game! 
 Camdens Daddy, Brian, giving Ev some pointers!

GOAL! (that's what you say in hockey..right??!!!)

Towards the end...she warmed up a bit!
 And last night we went to the Eyer's Annual Halloween party...Austin Powers and a Go Go Girl!  Yes, Christian is wearing the blue jacket from last year :)  AND already has an idea to be able to wear it again next year!

Jackie and I :)

Go Go girl, Cop, and a Pumpkin Farmer (Look at Amy's painted belly!  So sweet!)
 Mom's group pic (just a few of us)...OHHHH how this pic is different from last year!  Everyone but Amy has had a baby in the last year :)  Amy's turn!  Thought it was funny because last year we were all pregnant at the party...

Last years mommy pic!

Thanks for throwing a great party Eyer's!  We had a BLAST!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Let the SPOOKY fun begin!

Today kicks off all of our FUN Halloween festivities!  We had a little park trike a thon with some friends!  Here is a funny video of the boys dancing!  OH BOY!  In their socks...haha

Relaxing in the stroller!

 Check out these ADORABLE little Franenstein treats Amy made!  Green pudding with oreos on top!  SOOOO YUMMY! (mommies had them too!)
No pudding for Ains :(

Evan brought playdoah for all his friends!

 Mommy and Ainsley!

 Getting ready for the big race!  Evan has an adorable trike but today wanted this one...



Checking out the competition!  LOL...

Ainsley is a snack theif!

 After the park, we headed over to Amy's to start setting up for their big Halloween party tomorrow!  The kids had so much fun playing...they were crazy!  Had lunch, TONS of snacks!  By the end...they all started to get SUPER tired!  Check out Ainsley's crazy hair!

There was ALOT of this!  HAHAHA!  Wish I had a video of it...lots of slow motion falling to the ground stuff too!  ARRRRRGGGGGG Mateys!

SO excited for tomorrow!  Little Gym party and Eyer's Party!  WOOHOO!

A Little Daddy...

When Evan was little I did a post where I posted mine and Christian's baby pics...Well...after those recent pics I just took of Ainsley...I really don't even think there is a reason to re-post mine...she is all daddy!

Stay tuned!  LOTS of fun stuff this weekend :)  Cute pics guaranteed!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

When you are 10 months old...

When you are 10 months old...there are all sorts of fun things you can do...

Practice your scary monster face...

Put an ice pack on your boo boos

Then chew on it...LOL
 Cheese it up for the camera...

Touch your toes! 

Do a handstand

 Reach for things on the counter (ps...this is another dress I made her :) )
 Play music...
 Smile with a paci in your mouth

Beg your brother for food...

And it works!  LOL

Make goofy faces
 Eat big girl food...(refuses anything pureed)

 Push things around the house

Play race cars with bubba...

AND of course...SOOO much more!

-Loves... Mickey Mouse Clubhose, riding in the wagon, swinging, snacks, bath time, electronics, baby dolls, purses, shoes, Little gym, Evan, puppies, bananas, bread, drinking from a cup, making silly faces and hilarious noises, jumping on Evan's bed, climbing on the couch, music, dancing, all fruit, being held, 2 pacis at bedtime, blowing raspberries, clapping, being sang to, getting her picture taken, throwing balls

-Doesn't really like...bedtime, riding in the car, strangers, cheese, vegetables, when Evan doesn't share his toys

-DISlikes...getting her diaper changed, long trips to the grocery store, dropping Evan off at preschool (screams everytime LOL)

Happy 10 Month Birthday, Ainsley girl!  WE LOVE YOU!