Friday, August 12, 2011

A few firsts!

Today, our fun playdate was made even more exciting by a visit by the fire department! One of the moms accidently locked her little girl in her I called 911! They were here in NO time at all and had her out in like 15 seconds! Then after, all the kids got stickers and were allowed to climb around the truck!

And another first...Miss Ainsley playing peekaboo in her crib...her new favorite game with Bubba (oh and he is the ONLY family member that gets called by name!)

First time to wear Taggie as a hat!

First time to get mommy all to herself!

First time to catch these hilarious faces on camera!

First time to stand up in her crib!

First time for Evan to get a an NFL players autograph :) Last Saturday, we went to watch the AZ Cardinals practice in Flagstaff! We had so much fun!

Damarco Sampson...

Max Hall...

Through the people...Larry Fitzgerald...His line was HUNDREDS LONG!

Ryan Williams...GO HOKIES!

First day of preschool...Evan LOVES preschool :) He has had two "great" days! Has completed all his little projects and Ms. Amy said he LOVES doing art and puzzles during center time.

And...first time getting her growling on video :)

And...this was taken the first day she started REALLY crawling all over the floor! SHE IS SO MUCH FASTER IN JUST A WEEK!


The ABC Family said...

The scrunched up face pics are the BEST!

Sallie said...

Oh my where did your baby go? She just grew up!!!