Friday, August 19, 2011

8 Months Old!

Today, Ainsley is 8 months old! I just can't believe how our weeks are flying by! She is getting to be such a big girl and doing SOOOOO much!

-Eating a TON of food, favorites: avacado, apples, pears, bananas, puffs, oatmeal, melts, PANCAKES (torn in tiny pieces, and cheerios

-Not a fan of anything green...BUT, if I had a TINY bit of fruit to it...takes it fine

-Drinks water from a cup and a straw :)

-Pulls up on EVERYTHING! And attempts to let go.

-Loves to play with her shape sorter, ring stacker, cups, and her baby dolls...but frequently goes for Evan's toys

-Has figured out how to take her bows out...LOL...and her hair is in this akward long in the front stage where it's kind of hard to put a clip in the front but to short to part on the side.

-Crawling EVERYWHERE on her knees...which has led to skinned knees

-Says Dada, bubba, and muuuuum (mom?)

-Still a pretty good sleeper but recently started taking a morning nap and deciding to wake up during the night (yawn :/)

-Giggles, Squeals, Screams, and Growls

-Very playful but in public can be a little shy

-Even though she can move around...still loves to snuggle and be held all day long!

I can't believe we are about 4 months from her 1st Birthday! With how fast the fall always goes and all of our fun will be here in no time!

1 comment:

The ABC Family said...

That last picture of Ains looks JUST like Evan!!