Tuesday, August 24, 2010

20 weeks, busy boy, and a crazy weekend!

Evan and I are truly enjoying our time at home. We attend Little Gym twice a week, have gone to the library, playdates, and have done lots of fun projects around the house (fingerpainting, playdoah, and markers!). Friday we are going to the Children's Museum...I am so excited!

I know it must look like he never wears clothes but rest assured he does get dressed EVERYDAY!

Snuggling with daddy! Evan just loves his daddy! When we are home during the day and he sees cheez it, soda cans, his shoes, hears the door open, he says "Dada" with a huge smile. It is so cute!!! And, Evan is starting to look just like him too!

One of our fingerpainting projects! Yeah for color wonder!

A few of his completed masterpieces :)
I thought this was so cute one morning when he was watching Mickey Mouse...
Playdoah! I have regular playdoah left over from some classroom supplies but my friend Amy made homemade for her son and I was thinking..."hmmmm colorless...probably a good idea!" So we mixed it up and he loved the cookie cutters.
Every morning when he wakes up...he wants to ride his choo choo...we moved around his furniture and got it in his room. He is ALL about choo-choos right now!!!! And LOVES Thomas. We were talking about that at the mom's group today...kids love Thomas the Train but it makes the mommies want to go to sleep!

He went in his room and pulled out his swim hat...we walked around like this for a bit then came the....
TOWEL! I think this was a hint....he was standing at the back door.. "POOL" "OUT!"

These are a few pics my friend Amy took from our peanut butter and jelly playdate I went to with the mom's group! My camera died... They all had such a good time! Then they got to paint with pudding! Next month, Evan and I are hosting a Poolside Playdate! WOOHOO!

And...a 20 week belly shot....taken the day before I went in for the Kidney Stone. For those of you who don't know...I was in the hospital last Thursday-Sunday with a Kidney Stone. It was pretty horrible but, passed it and hoping it is all behind me!

A short video of Evan doing his favorite thing...engineering his "choo choo"

Evan's new cute phrase: "Cool Dude!" Of course he wouldn't do it for the video!

1 comment:

The ABC Family said...

LOVE the train pics. Cam couldn't quite get the hang of pushing and holding down the button on that thing. Evan is a pro! He is starting to look more like Christian too. I think he is a good mix of the both of you.