Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ruffle Butt Onesie

Here's a fun little project I started Friday and finished yesterday afternoon. A ruffle butt onesie. Took these pics on my not the best quality! Was reading a sewing blog and it showed how to do this. I appliqued the initial and then made the ruffles and sewed them on. This was actually fabric I used to have in my classroom! So any teachers out there that want it...let me know...I have a TON! I am a VERY beginner sewer so it does not look perfect...but still really cute! The bottom row of ruffles was my first and after that they got a little better :) I have some other sewing projects up ahead of me and my mom is giving me some practice may not make perfect...but maybe at least better :)

PS...we are deciding between a few R names :)

1 comment:

The ABC Family said...

Sooo cute! I might need to know how to make this one day..haha