Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

We hope you all had a FABULOUS NEW YEAR'S EVE!!! Isn't it CRAZY how life changes in a year???!!! WOW! Last year we were greatly awaiting the arrival of our little guy and let me tell you..any thoughts. excitement, or expectations 2009 would bring were a molecule of what was to come. Being parents is definetly the highlight of this last year and will be the highlight of the many years to come!!! Sometimes I think my life was pretty lame before this little guy... :)

Well...on to the good stuff...

Here is what we have discovered gets Evan through the dining out experience....such a little Italian boy...

And when we ate Mexican was chips and a quesidilla (not pieces...THE WHOLE THING)!!!

We have definetly noticed some food quirks with Evan...he is just too smart! He does not want torn pieces of table food...he wants whole pieces and if others are eating when he is...he wants whats on THEIR plates...and trust me...he knows if it isn't.

And here is proof that we have done away with the infant pacifier..yeah I know...most people wein the pacifier at a year...but I guess we just switched styles...haha...these pacifiers are fun because you can get them in all different colors...perfect for matching outfits!

And perhaps Evan's new year's resolution is to be less like a puppy...haha...I just love when he sticks things in his mouth and leaves it there.

Lastly, a year ago today my Aunt Jo passed away....thinking of you Old Biddie...always in my heart :)

1 comment:

The ABC Family said...

I was laughing at the pic of Evan with the noodles because the bowl of noodles looks bigger than Evan..Cam loves pasta too! Cmon who doesn't love complex carbs?? haha.