Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lucy's 10 months old!

Ok...I feel like I JUST finished her 9 month post!  And now 10 months and already starting some first birthday party planning! AH!

Happy 10 month birthday Lucy!

Lucy is so sweet and snuggly!  And these pics remind me that she is still my BABY!

Even though she wants NOTHING to do with being a baby!  I can't even get her to eat ANY baby food...well unless its in a pouch.  haha!

Last week we went out to an apple orchard near us and I decided these pics I took of her would be perfect 10 month pictures!

Gotta love the cheesy all teeth smiles!

She was so much fun!

Lucy is cruising all over the place and has taken a few steps.  Overall though...she seems quite content just crawling around!  She is super laid back and the only times she is really bothered at all is when someone takes something from her or she is SUPER hungry.  That being said, she has a CRAZY appetite!  And such a little peanut too!  Can STILL wear 3-6 months clothes, a size 2 shoe (though getting snug), and a size 3 diaper.  She's our tiny bit!

 She loves the dogs (I think Jackson is her fav...she says "jack"), climbing the stairs, baths, swimming, music, and putting everything into her mouth.  She dislikes-headbands, shoes, naptime, and being in her carseat (I think its because she cant see the DVD player).  

She is totally trying to say words and when we tell her "SAY _____" She will always make some sort of sound!  She can say- "mom" "dad" "dog" "jack" "sna" (for all food) "bub"will blow kisses, wave, and point!  She still isnt sleep through the night and is down to one nap a day.  She gives LOTS of hugs and kisses (on the mouth haha) 

Loves ANYTHING outside and constantly tries to keep up with the older ones and their friends :)  

Happy 10 month birthday Goose!  We LOVE LOVE LOVE you Boo-Boo!

1 comment:

Sallie said...

Happy 10 months! I am loving those apple patch photos...adorbs!