Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fish out of water!

One of the best parts of summer is spending lots of time in the water!

And we have been taking every opportunity to get wet!

Last week, Evan took swim lessons at the OV Aquatic Center!  He did great-but it was way too easy.  The other kids his age were much more timid about the water.  I was a little frustrated after the first day-mainly because he can swim and the other kids were just getting adjusted.  Well...and because I coached lessons and club swimming for many years-LOL.  But decided if nothing else, at least he was getting used to swimming and taking direction with someone other than Christian and I :). 

Ainsley LOVED being able to play at the splash pad while Evan swam!

And yay for a concession stand where we got lots of yummy icecream treats after Evan's class!  Lucy did NOT think it was ok for her to not have one too!  So...I finally gave in and let her have a lick!

She was such a good girl in the stroller each day while the kids played...

But even though she was good-we did let her out to have some fun too!

 A few more pics from his last day....

Jumping in and swimming to the wall and steps

And this week, Evan started swimming with a club team up here!  He is in the first level, of course, and still has a coach in with him but man did he get a "workout" on Tuesday!  Never seen this boy scarf so much food so fast!  They had him swimming 12.5 yards back and forth pretty much the whole time!  Guess that's more what I was hoping for when I signed him up for lesson-haha.

And between the splash pad, lessons, and swim practice-we are still able to fit in some backyard play pool time!

Wasn't intending on even getting Lucy in...

WHAT WAS I THINKING?  Of course she wanted to swim!

I just love these pics of the girls!

And once his sisters got out-Evan LOVED having some solo time!

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