Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Let the Easter Fun begin!

Yesterday, the Easter fun began with an egg hunt and lunch with our playgroup!  We had so much fun with our friends!  Let's be honest...playgroups are just as much for the mommies ;-) is so weird that Evan doesnt go with me to all these things anymore.  I know he is getting older and having a great time at school but it is so strange that he missed it...guess because my whole daily schedule for 2 years was all around his playgroup schedule.  He was pretty bummed once he found out he missed a party...but Ainsley was SO sweet to share her eggs with him.

Anyways...the weather was GORGEOUS-perfect day to hunt eggs in the park! 

Addy and Ainsley...

Put quite a few of these two up so Kendra could steal :) one handed picture taking did not pay off here...I thought Parker was in this one! 

Some of the kids in a group pic!  Sporting our purple for epilespy awareness in support for Mollie's cousin who had surgery yesterday.

Sara-How sweet is this ?! 

Little Lucy gets lots of attention from Ainsley's friends and their siblings!

Let the hunt begin!  Such a fun age for hunting eggs...Ainsley had so much fun!

Kendra-a few for you!

Mollie and Max!

Taking a look at all her eggs!

 Me and my Lucy!  She was all smiles yesterday...

spitting bubbles at me-funny girl!  OH and sidenote...quite a few people have been telling me that Lucy looks like me!  Did I finally get one that looks like me?! haha

We had such a great time hanging out with our friends!  Thank Sara and Mollie for planning such a great party!   

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