Friday, December 14, 2012

Our Days!

Lucy has decided today that she will sleep somewhere besides Mommy's arms and since I had a healthy dose of caffeine today and NOT feeling the need to sleep...figured I would blog!

Days in our house are PRETTY CRAZY!  With THREE kids THREE and under...someone is ALWAYS needing something :)  We have ONE lazy day worked into our schedule each week (Wednesday) which is the easiest day of the week because I dont stress about things like...showering...getting dressed...everyone being presentable...etc. LOL.  Every other day we have somewhere to be by a certain time...those are the days that are the hardest...keeping everyone on a schedule! :) 

It is funny how the little things make me feel so accomplished.  Like...getting a shower, making it to Ainsley's gym class ontime, getting Evan's lunch packed and not forgetting his water bottle, returning text messages, getting Christmas cards in the mail, and having a fully stocked diaper bag when we go out in public (yep I have def forgotten diapers a few times...and leaving the house without snacks for the a crime! LOL)  I have also realized that I can't do it all!  I know there are moms that can...have the perfectly clean house, meals ready to go, take time to play with their kids, look presentable, etc...but I dont quite have the hang of all that yet!  Trying to balance it all while keeping EVERYONE...a little bit of a jealous 3 year old, an over-zealous almost 2 year old, a LOVED to be held newborn, and a very busy Daddy...HAPPY! That all being said...I am taking the time to actually sit and play with the kids, run with them outside, go on walks, snuggle Lucy in the rocking chair, get the kids to gym and playdates...AND just trying to tackle the messes and laundry piles when I can ;-)  After will all get done...eventually.

Put together a few photo collages of some recent things we have been up to around the house!

Santa letters and a pic from this morning after I wrapped some presents last night!  The kids were so cute "Which one is mine"  (arent they sweet to think they just get one?!)  "I bet this is a....."

And some of my boy!  I tell you...the things he comes up with surprises me daily!  We made playdoah snowmen one day (see below) and then brings it too me smashed..."Mommy it's called reversible change".  OH wow.  Thanks Sid the Science kid...Mimi...I thought you would get a kick out of that!  Evan has become such a little performer too!  Puts on "shows" all the time for us and tells us all sorts of stories!  He's going to REALLY love something under the tree!

And last Saturday...a little spiderweb fight...Poor Ainsley!  LOL

Little Lucy-Goosey!  I just crack up over all the faces she makes!  And in case you can't tell...poor girl is already balding!  The peach fuzz is WHITE!!!!  Did I get my blondey?!  PLEEEEEEASE!  Only time will tell!  Oh I think I may have gotten one that looks like me though...our baby pics are pretty similar!!!!  AND I think my little peanut must be growing because these last few days...EAT...SLEEP...EAT...SLEEP!  Dont' you love those little owl booties?!  Oh girl stuff is just too fun!

And some of my Ainsley girl!  My little bff.  Still pretty grabby around Lucy soooo have to watch her like a hawk...but truly has the best intentions.  Lucy is just NOT ready for all that LOVE.  haha.  Check out pic at bottom of her wearing monitor...big sis on duty!

And this was too small in decided to post here too!  Ainsley is in a boot and hat phase.  LOVES hats and boots!  So hard to have self control...haha...Turning into such a girlie girl!

And today...we woke up to snow covered mountains!  We are just loving pretty.  This is my favorite time of year in AZ.  DON'T like not having a fall but do love this winter!  I drove by the new house today and snapped this pic.

And of the ridge near where we live now.

We have been playing outside almost everyday since the weather is so nice.  Just stinks that is gets dark so early!

Daddy was at a work dinner one night so we decided to make homemade pizza.  Evan had been talking about fractions at school so figured this would be a fun dinner thing to do!

Ainsley kept sneaking toppings!  haha!

And we will end with a few sister pics!

"She kissed me"

And coming soon...a new blog header and pics!  It's a goal for this weekend...hopefully I will get to it! 

1 comment:

Sallie said...

I love it all!!! Seriously you should plan more Wednesdays into your week so you don't wear yourself out. ;)