Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Been a little MIA!

AH!  Where is time going?!  Figured I should do a little update post before the baby comes :)  hahaha.  Not that she is coming right now...but with my blogging record lately, she could be! LOL.  I also need to do a post with my maternity pics because my friend the VERY talented friend Adriane Thompson did a wonderful job :)

Also...Mimi has been here for TWO weeks!  It has been so fantastic not having to cook, clean, help with errands and shopping, do pick ups and drop offs, help with doc appts, and have someone with me all day!  THANK YOU MIMI FOR BEING HERE WITH US!

So here are some pics from since I last updated...though kind of embarrassed that they are ALL from my iphone.  I suppose that is life right now...on the go!  :)  uuuuummmmm in addition to the fact the cameras are NOT yet charged!  YIKES!  Better get on that!

Ainsley and I really enjoy our mornings together...here she is helping me clean!  Crazy that in a few weeks...our time together is no more!

Ainsley hiding in the balls at gym...one of her favorite things to do there!

And a little costume throwback!  (my friends son is borrowing nemo :) )

And before Mimi came...we got our car a MUCH needed bath!


And the weekend before Mimi came we celebrated my friend Mollie's little guys birthday!  Max turned 2!  Ainsley is just smitten with him!  How could you not be...he's such a cutie!

Waiting for Mimis flight at Daddy's work...since he was working..she had to work too!

And this is football baby...Ainsley loves putting the helmets on her baby.  LOL

And since Mimi has been here we habe had all sorts of fun!

We checked out a local pizza place...who makes one really big pizza!!!!!

We did playtime at pump it up last week! 

Ainsley in front of the pumpkins at Frys!  She is loving pumpkins!

And Friday night we took the kids to Parent Night Out (I told Evan it was Kid Night Out) at My gym and we went out to an adult dinner and icecream at Chris and I's FAVORITE gelato place, Frost.

Sunday, we did my belly cast!  Nancy got me this kit when I was pregnant with Evan and I am JUST now doing it the third time!  Nice work mom.  And yes, I was a little weepy...Glee was sad this week!  hahahaha!  I cry all the time right now.

And this weekend...the trenches were dug on our new house!

Pipes supplied by Ferguson ;)

This weekend in addition to lots of football watching and our night out...Evan was invited to two birthday parties from friends in his class!  One at pump it up and the other at the Childrens' Museum on Sunday evening.  They rented out the entire museum for their party so the kids had free reign!  Both mine had a blast!

They had facepainting!

And a volcano project...

And it was pirate themes!  Evan and Ainsley loved all their treasures :)

I was excited for Evan that we were able to make the parties and socialize outside of school! 
Today, we had his first parent conference and it went great! His teacher knows him so well and everything in her report are things I am seeing here too! She said he is so sweet, kind, and SOOOO easy to excite! He doesn't really have a "group" of friends so to speak, but always plays with the kids that are at the activity that interests him. This was something that I was kind of concerned about but, he has always been a little independent. She also said that he is doing fantastically academically for only being 3 (his class is multi-age and over half of his class are going to kinder next year). He is writing, can identify all lower and upper case letters and sounds with the exception of q and identify numbers 1-20 and count higher but she stops them at 25. He loves classifying, doing patterns, and has a huge imagination. He came home last week with a journal they had done about when a mouse ate a watermelon. He told me the story and had the illustration to match but I asked him where the mouse was...he replied..."Mom...the mouse ate the watermelon and ran away!" Hence the hole in the watermelon, I suppose. Art is not his favorite thing anymore...kind of funny because has always loved projects...and would rather do the science centers and anything he can build!

After parent conference, I picked up Ainsley and we headed to a playgroup playdate at a HOKIES house :)  We have actually met a few Hokies down here in Tucson and there is an alumni chapter too!  Mimi didn't come on the playdate today and cleaned the entire house!!!!!!!  Man am I lucky!  Thank you Nancy!  Ainsley asked for her the entire time "Mimi....Where are you?!" 
Ainsley with a few of her girlfriends....Chloe and Natalie....Parker had already left :(

And since I spent a little time updating with everything Mr. Evan is doing...I will do a little about Miss Ainsley.  TALKING LIKE CRAZY!  All sorts of fun words and phrases.  Will repeat anything she hears or you tell her but here are her favorites
-"I got it"
-"stop it puppies"
-"Where are you?"
-"Share My turn"
-"You ok?"
-"Need bandaid"
-"I did it!"
-"Score" when she throws something away or in the sink
-"No talking Bubba" (at bed time)
-"Go away" (yeah she has a litle bit of an attitude)
-Frequent one word stuff-milk, drink, eat, snack, shoes, go bye bye, boo boo, wet diaper, poo poo, bath, choo choo, talks about Daddy at work, Bubba at school, and her going to gym.
-Seems to remember names much better than she used to and will ask for friends and people by name.
-Loves facetime!  And pretending to "talk" on the phone
-Sings all the time!
-A total human garbage disposal...will eat like crazy!
-Loves playing ipad and talking on the phone
-Loves to pick out clothes and shoes
-Loves babies and puppies
-Dances, wrestles, runs everywhere, walks backwards, loves chase and racing
-Mimics what adults our doing...still doesnt play too independently unless it is with her doll house or Melissa and doug dress up set.
-Will watch tv for a short period of time...literally 2 min...and loves clubhouse and chuggington

She really cracks me up and just so much fun!  Her and Evan just couldn't be any different...what will the 3rd bring?!

And speaking of the 3rd (who may just have a name)...going to doc tomorrow for a checkup and last injection!  Most of you remember Ainsley came 10 days after my last one...will this one be the same?! AH!  Last week dialated 1 cm, 50% effaced, head down but not engaged.  I will try to update if I hear anything new tomorrow but my mom will be in town so things may be pretty busy!


Sallie said...

Everyone's getting so BIG! Love the belly cast! YAY for the trenches on the house...very exciting!!!

Lindbergfam said...

They are looking older to me too esp when I compare to old pics! Thanks about house! We are very excited :)