Tuesday, January 24, 2012


On Saturday, was Evan's 3rd Birthday Pirate Party!  We had so much fun!  I had a blast planning all the little details and was so glad our family and friends came to celebrate!  This party was also extra special because Mimi was here!  Evan was so excited for her to come into town for 2 weeks!  We spent all last week getting everything ready for the big day!  A big thank you to Jackie for all the decorating help and for the AWESOME banner!  Also, thank you to Todd and Mims for all your help running errands the day before!

On to the pics!

Here all the girls!  Wearing our Evan's crew shirt and hats!

Banner with streamers and cannon balls!

Treasure chest was filled with gold coins that the kids could put into little black pouches as they left :)

As the buckaroos arrived, they had a pirate hat to decorate, an earring to wear, and special pixie dust!

 AHOY bottles I made for the island with the food! We had golden nuggets and ruby sauce (chickfila), pirate pies (little pizzas), and pigs in a blanket along with all sorts of yummy stuff!

The dessert table!  Banner said Happy Birthday...hard to see with the light!

Upclose shot of banner

Crispy pirate dinghies!
 Ship cupcakes I made!


Cupcakes!  Ships, treasure chest, and swords!

 LOVE LOVE LOVE how these turned out!

Evan's special pirate cupcake!  Can't really see in picture, but he's wearing a pirate hat!
 Pirate booty!
 HAHA, I came up with this, felt so clever!

 Like the cannon balls we hung?

Treasure boxes and maps for the treasure hunt!


Beware of PIRATES!

What would a pirate party be without a PLANK?!  The kids LOVED this!

The Captain himself!  He looked so cute!

 Pirate princess!

 Treasure hunting!  Digging for necklaces and rings!

Someone found his patch!  The hunt was so much fun to watch!  The kids with their little maps ran from place to place!  Hunted necklaces, rings, a telescope, hook, patch, lollipop, then got a tattoo!

 She looks adorable!

 Mimi did the tattoos!
 Isn't it fun to have an uncle your own age?!  LOL...MJ is just too much fun!  Such a good sport with the little ones! 

 Cake time!

After the party, Mimi had a special gift waiting for him in the garage!

 His very own JEEP!

 Doing great!
 Kaylee taking a turn! 

 Cracks me up how he kept using the telescope as he was driving!

Ainsley also loves the jeep!

 More big kids!  :)

Thank you to everyone who made Evan's special day so special!  With us moving so soon, it was so great to be able to have one last big party with everyone :) 

Happy Birthday Evan!  These last 3 years have been a BLAST!  You are caring, curious, energetic, and full of laughter!  You are such an amazing big brother and it is such an honor to be your mommy.  Love you bubba!

I wanted to write a few of your favorite things that we could look back and remember:
Foods:  chicken nuggets, yogurt, PIZZA, all fruit
Movie:  Cars or Toy Story
Animal:  Dinosaurs
Puppy: Riley
Book: LOVE non-fiction stories
Song:  Life is a Highway
Favorite places to go:  Zoo, park, Little Gym, preschool
Favorite Activities: puzzles, playing on your leappad, train table/race car set, drawing, playing outside
Toys:  Plays with anything and everything!

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