Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Three-Fourths of a year old!

Ainsley is 9 months old and I just can't believe it!  Our little lady is such a blessing to our family!  She is vivacious, dramatic, LOVES her brother, and at times still a little shy!  She is doing great developmentally!  Chatting, crawling, cruising, pulling up, stands independently for about 5 seconds (wonder if she will walk before a year?), and gets into EVERYTHING!  She is napping right now and so I am doing a major coupon organization project.  I am literally watching the clock as I type because she will be up soon and I have got to finish this project before my coupons are in shreds!  Poor Evan has lost a few coloring books because she tears and crumbles everything!  Such a mischeivious little thing!  She is getting to the age to where she wants EVERYTHING he has!  Today they were literally fighting for turns on the ipod (he plays apps but she just looks at it) got so bad...I had to take it and put it away!  They were both screaming and grabbing eachother!  I am sure I am in for much more of that.  Miss Ainsley totally doesnt know her own strength and Evan being older doesn't seem to bother her...she totally holds her own.  LOL.  Evan is so laid back and she is so....NOT.  :)  Got to love an independent woman!

Ainsley is eating all sorts of foods!  Mainly self feeding now because when we try to feed her, she just spits it at as and cracks up with a scrunchy face snorty laugh.  She is sleeping well again after about 2 weeks of SERIOUS teething, she has 8 total either fully through or poking.  At Evan's appt today, his dentist called her a baby shark...yep pretty much! LOL

She had her 9 month check up today and still a healthy growing girl!  21 pounds and 30 inches long.  I can't believe the next time we go back she will be a year!!!! 

OK, on to some pics from her 9 month mommy photo shoot!  Here is she wearing the monster shirt  I made her...

 Sweet girl...LOVES this ball!  And recently has been carrying a purse around the house with her (crawling around with it) is a treat bag from Kaylee's birthday party...cracks me up!
 Check out the baby shark!  HAHA!
 OK....sooooo little model here...whenever I get out the camera...this is her new face that she poses with!  Hence all the pics with the mouth open!  SERIOUSLY...she cracks me up!  What a ham!

 Always into something...
I look forward to all the fun things we have coming up and all the FIRSTS for Miss Ainsley!  First Halloween, First Thanksgiving, First steps, First Birthday Party...This fall is going to be quite eventful and I can't wait!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Now I dont know why she keeps stealing Evan's ball because I know I got her one too. Has it been lost??