Monday, March 21, 2011

What it has been almost a month?!

Ok...well....after seeing that it has indeed been almost a month since my last post...I think I am going to dedicate EVERY Monday to blog update day! I have been so good about keeping up the photo of the day so maybe if I have a dedicated day each week...I will do better :)

I feel like time is just flying right now! Our weekdays seem to go so fast! Wake up, feed Ainsley, change diapers, get everyone dressed, breakfast, usually gym or park or another fun thing, feed Ainsley, diaper change, fix lunch, diaper change, nap time, feed Ainsley, dishes, laundry, housework, diaper change, feed Ainsley, up from nap, diaper change, snack time, play outside or in playroom, get prep done for dinner, feed Ainsley, diaper change, go for a walk/jog, get call that Daddy is on his way home, fix dinner, clean dishes, feed Ainsley, baths/showers (Evan will now do a's how a giraffe does it LOL), jammies, books, bed time, TV time, feed Ainsley, BED and then at about all starts over :)

So our days are pretty crazy! And even though I think I am out of the "survival phase"...I usually don't feel like I get much done other than taking care of the kids :)

Weekends have also been really busy! Lots of little jobs around the house, birthday parties, and family outtings!

Here is Evan on Saturday at a Dillards Prom Fashion show! This one LOVES the spotlight! Later that night we went to watch a band at Desert Ridge and he was dancing like crazy! Mimzy...don't you have pics of that??!! I couldn't get close enough with Ainsley :)

At Desert Ridge, listening to music :)

Me and Cheska :)

LOVES riding in the stroller with sissy!

Last Sunday, we got to go do something really cool! One of Todd's friends owns airplanes and restores them for people. His last one he sold to the director of Lord of the Rings...we thought that was PRETTY cool! So anyway...we went up to Deer Valley to see his newest project. Oh and we also saw a MIG which was crazy!

Well...I just couldn't resist trying this jacket on Evan!

His first airplane toy! The waitress at the restaurant gave it to him! He LOVED making it fly!

Sipping some coffee...

Playing with another little toy plane from the gift has a shark on of course he had to have it!

Hmmm...a big hole....

Ainsley slept through the tour!

The plane


A few fun snapshots of the kids :)

Christian always does this to her! Little unicorn!

Handsome man!
I am sorry I could NOT resist this pout!


Mother-Daughter pic!

Sweet Ainsley Girl...Can you believe she is 3 months old?! AH! A quarter of a year! We don't have a doc appt until 4 months so, I don't have an update on what she weighs, etc but she is doing GREAT! Getting to be a little chunker just like her bubba! She smiles ALL the time and now giggles too! She LOVES peekaboo! She rolled over the other day from her back, which was crazy! She is losing her hair so thank goodness for headbands :) Christian thinks it is going to be blonde but I am sticking with my brown vote...her eyebrows are dark. She coos and talks alot and when she gets really excited her legs start kicking like crazy! Still not very independent though :) Does not like the swing or bouncer unless she is sleeping LOL. LOVES being held and LOVES the she spends quite a bit of time in it! Her reflux continues to improve and I am hoping it doesn't fire up again at 4 months (doc said that is when it is usually at its worst). She is such a sweetie and just wants to be around everyone at all times :) She can be a little diva...but we don't really help the situation much because we give in everytime...I still think she is a little young to cry it out and there is no such thing as spoiling a baby...RIGHT? :)

And most of you know...we call pretty much everyone in our fam a nickname...I mean, Evan rarely goes by EVAN :) Ainsley has a few...peanut, Ainsley Girl, Nay-Nee, Ains, Sweetness, sissy...

She does really enjoy her exersaucer!

He is everywhere she is! Very rarely leaves her sight! I LOVE IT! She is the first person he asks for in the morning...tear.

Sassy mama!

My Little McCutie!

So precious!


Sallie said...

Ahhh such sweetness! Your little ones are growing so quick! NO, you cannot spoil that baby!!! Such blessings!

Rachel said...

Love all the pictures! They are such darlings! I agree with Sallie you cannot spoil your baby :)

The ABC Family said...

All her cute! Love them! Evan looks so big compared to her in that picture when she is in the exersaucer.

McKinleigh said...

Whoa! She is getting so big! Please, please, please let me know when a good time to come see you is! I want to see those cuties of yours!