Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday at the Zoo...Splashpad!

Lunches were packed. The wagon was loaded. Car seats were installed in one car. Evan had on his special colonial exploring hat (lol).

BUT, as luck would have it, life with a toddler does not always go as planned! :)

Amy and Camden (Cam, as Evan calls him) invited us to be their guests at the Phoenix Zoo today. But, instead Camden just wasn't having it today and had a little meltdown (which I am sure EVERY mother understands) and so decided to hang local! The boys had an absolute BLAST!!! They are so cute together...they totally say each other's name! And when Evan get wild (runs away catching birds, etc) Camden will even try and go get him! LOVE IT!

The boys played at the park (Splashpad was SUPER busy when we arrived), ate lunch, and then played in the water! It was a ton of fun! They were so into it!

They were a little timid at first, but warmed up fast!!!

So...I was totally commenting about 5 seconds before he started doing this how gross it was that some of the kids were drinking the water...YEP...and then Evan started doing it!!!!
Camden thought it was so funny Evan was putting his face in the water...he was giggling and kept saying "funny!" Shortly after, Camden gave it a try!

Water guns! Evan was not so good about sharing these. In fact, a little girl quite a bit older than him tried to take it from him and he shouted "MINE!" and was NOT moving.

Spraying eachother!
WOAHHHHH (one of Evan's new fav words)

Here are a few pics from breakfast this morning. Here's the hat he wouldn't leave the house without! In fact, this seems to be becoming quite the habit with Evan...he has to leave with something. His Thomas the Train backpack, a special hat, toy, last week a DVD...he is crazy!
"Evan give me sweet eyes!" These are Evan's sweet eyes. If Evan wants something and he gives Mimzy these eyes, she gives it to him! Yesterday, I was out shopping and he really wanted out of the cart...I told him a to stay a few more minutes. And what did he do??!!! GAVE ME SWEET EYES!!! Thanks, Mimzy!!!!

And...26.5 weeks! Thanks Jamie for taking this pic! Feeling good, just having a REALLY hard time sleeping. Time is flying!

I am anticipating LOTS of fun blog posts this month because Grandnan and Grandad come in ONE week and our mommy & Evan October calendar is quite busy!


The ABC Family said...

Cute post! Getting ready to post something and its going to sound a lot like yours...Sorry again about the little stinker butt...BUT atleast we still did something with some smiles.

Lindbergfam said...

Oh they had a great day!

Rachel said...

You look pretty and refreshed!!

Sallie said...

Oh those sweet eyes are so funny! I agree with Rachel...looking fabulous! :)