Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Coolest Place in Phoenix!

On Friday, Evan and I went with some friends to the Phoenix Children's Museum! This place is so cool! Thank you Michelle and Christine for letting us in with your membership :) Thank you Amy and Camden for driving us! Evan and I definitely want to look into a membership there. He had a BLAST! It has so many different activities and classes...and during our 2.5 hour visit...we couldn't even see it all!

Yeah, they is hanging from the ceiling in the downstairs play area...I thought it was funny.
That huge contraption on the wall is a big vacuum. You put in the scarfs and it shots them through the tunnels and out the top...Evan could have stayed in here all day!

Camden playing with this ball floating pushed air out of the pipes and the balls floated in mid air...very cool!
Michelle and Christine

And...the noodle....EVAN REALLY LOVED THIS! And thought it was hilarious to run away. The pics I took Friday aren't the best because he was just moving EVERYWHERE and the lighting was low in a lot of places.
Cam serving icecream...

Ball room! Honestly, there are balls all over the museum but this room is full of pipe and tunnels to put the balls down.

Chef Evan in the cooking area...not sure why this pic is sideways...

And the grocery store! You could unload the truck, stock the shelves, get a cart, fill it with groceries, and check yourself out with cash registers. But, Evan more just wanted to push the cart! I had to run around and guard other kids!!!! He was crazy!

In the 0-3 year room, there is a climbing fort. The boys got to the top and I poked my head through the bottom. Evan was kissing the glass!

ART! Markers, Stamps, Foam, Glue, Chalk, and BLUE PAINT!!!! Too fun! Yes, he did paint the leg on my pants!

After the art room, the kids were getting pretty tired, so we ate our lunch and headed home...can't wait to go again soon!!!! deal of the day...a Texas Longhorn Jersey for $2.50 at a second hand children's store! Perfect condition...Can't beat that!
Just chillin' in his house shoes...aren't they so cute?! His grandnan and grandad sent them to him a while back from Alaska and now they fit really well...So comfy!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

20 weeks, busy boy, and a crazy weekend!

Evan and I are truly enjoying our time at home. We attend Little Gym twice a week, have gone to the library, playdates, and have done lots of fun projects around the house (fingerpainting, playdoah, and markers!). Friday we are going to the Children's Museum...I am so excited!

I know it must look like he never wears clothes but rest assured he does get dressed EVERYDAY!

Snuggling with daddy! Evan just loves his daddy! When we are home during the day and he sees cheez it, soda cans, his shoes, hears the door open, he says "Dada" with a huge smile. It is so cute!!! And, Evan is starting to look just like him too!

One of our fingerpainting projects! Yeah for color wonder!

A few of his completed masterpieces :)
I thought this was so cute one morning when he was watching Mickey Mouse...
Playdoah! I have regular playdoah left over from some classroom supplies but my friend Amy made homemade for her son and I was thinking..."hmmmm colorless...probably a good idea!" So we mixed it up and he loved the cookie cutters.
Every morning when he wakes up...he wants to ride his choo choo...we moved around his furniture and got it in his room. He is ALL about choo-choos right now!!!! And LOVES Thomas. We were talking about that at the mom's group love Thomas the Train but it makes the mommies want to go to sleep!

He went in his room and pulled out his swim hat...we walked around like this for a bit then came the....
TOWEL! I think this was a hint....he was standing at the back door.. "POOL" "OUT!"

These are a few pics my friend Amy took from our peanut butter and jelly playdate I went to with the mom's group! My camera died... They all had such a good time! Then they got to paint with pudding! Next month, Evan and I are hosting a Poolside Playdate! WOOHOO!

And...a 20 week belly shot....taken the day before I went in for the Kidney Stone. For those of you who don't know...I was in the hospital last Thursday-Sunday with a Kidney Stone. It was pretty horrible but, passed it and hoping it is all behind me!

A short video of Evan doing his favorite his "choo choo"

Evan's new cute phrase: "Cool Dude!" Of course he wouldn't do it for the video!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ruffle Butt Onesie

Here's a fun little project I started Friday and finished yesterday afternoon. A ruffle butt onesie. Took these pics on my not the best quality! Was reading a sewing blog and it showed how to do this. I appliqued the initial and then made the ruffles and sewed them on. This was actually fabric I used to have in my classroom! So any teachers out there that want it...let me know...I have a TON! I am a VERY beginner sewer so it does not look perfect...but still really cute! The bottom row of ruffles was my first and after that they got a little better :) I have some other sewing projects up ahead of me and my mom is giving me some practice may not make perfect...but maybe at least better :)

PS...we are deciding between a few R names :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A few pics of big brother!

I figured since I put all those pics of baby sister...I should post some pics of big brother!

And...some new things with this special boy!

-His new things is's really funny! Does not get too much air but it is hilarious to watch. I will try to catch it on camera today.

-He also dances ALL the time and it is so funny because it is this little bouncy move and if he is really excited he will flap his arms and if he is REALLY REALLY excited, he will turn! (loves the hot dog dance!)

-His vocabulary seems to get bigger everyday which is so much fun! He said "oh gosh" the other day, it was so cute!

-ALL he wants to watch is Toy Story 1/2, Mickey Mouse, Elmo, and SID. He will look/read (he talks in this really funny, deep voice when he reads) books for a LONG time...the other day we read for an hour!

-He seriously eats all day and is very picky about what snacks he will eat! (Daddy trait?)

-LOVES putting on his shoes and going "bye bye".

-Chases the dogs all over the house! "PUPPY PUPPY" and cries if they walk away when he pets them.

-Cries when people leave, but will bring them their shoes and purse if he feels it is time for them to go! (Aunt Sarah trait)

-REALLY enjoys art projects. I really try and break up his day with all different activities. Thursday we did markers! YIKES! He was covered in it but used Buzz stickers to make a pretty picture.

-Starts Little Gym tomorrow! HE IS SO EXCITED!!!! We have been practicing his front rolls. He tries all by himself but it is more of a side, log roll.

I am just loving staying home with him and know that two will be even more fun! I am one lucky girl! :)