Saturday, May 8, 2010

A nice little Saturday...

This morning we started our day off at Little Gym, then breakfast with the gang and off to Lowe's for Evan's first building class! It was so cute! He made a little Mother's Day Planter (with the help of Daddy, of course). Jaden and Evan earned their first badge for their apron! Each time you complete one of these classes, you receive a different badge to sew on your apron. Too fun! And...they are FREE! Most stores have them every 2 weeks. The next class they are building a catapult...YIKES!

Safety first!
He took his job very seriously..."interested in some fencing?" The people were cracking up at him...pushing around the flat bed, moving wet floor signs, walking down the aisles...

And...he got to have his first experience walking through an automatic door!Then, this afternoon we had a little pool party! After Evan took a 3.5 hour nap, his friends Jaden, Maleah, and Nathan all came over to play and swim! We had so much fun!!! The pool was a little chilly for the moms but the dads and babies LOVED it!

Drinking an icee!
The moms...

Belly hanging out and stuffing it with more food! This is his new thing...showing everyone is tummy!

For the party, we put the dogs in the hallway...Evan has so concerned! He was just babbling and telling them all sorts of things! All of our friends kids have big dogs too, so it was perfect because they had no fear...they all keep running down the hall to see the puppies. Jaden was so sweet to give them lots of snacks :)


The ABC Family said...

Those little projects at Lowes look like A LOT of fun and that is so nice that they are FREE. Have a good Mother's day!

Smart said...