Thursday, October 8, 2009

Busy Bee!

When Evan wakes up in the morning, he needs some time to wake up slowly. He started his day with a nice swing!

Then, he played with his two favorite toys at the moment! My brothers old train that moves when you press the button and his "who loves baby" book!

After breakfast (Evan is starting to show food preference by the way...) we went to a Playdate at Little Gym! He was by far the youngest there by over a year...but it was still fun! He was moving EVERYWHERE, standing on the walking bar, chased balls and bubbles, LOVES scarfs :), and also played some music! He just loved watching the big kids so I am glad that he is going to be the youngest in his class on Saturday, I am thinking he is going to learn some tricks from the pros. It was cracking me up today because the kids were log rolling and Evan would do it too! The other mommies were cracking up at him! It was fun to do something new with him and also fun to chat with some other mommies! I really wanted to take some pics...but no one else had the camera out so didn't want to look like a dork! :) BUT, Saturday Daddy will be with us and will snap some pics!

Once we got home...he took a bottle and was OUT for almost 3 hours!!! During that time my friends Sallie and Mckinleigh came over!!! Shortly after Sallie left Evan woke up and Mckinleigh and I decided to do some arts and crafts with him! HAHA...Color Wonder...what a neat invention!

Deep thoughts by Evan "hmmm what should I color next?"

"Not so sure about this coloring thing...maybe I should just eat the marker!"
"What! This is paper? I LOVE paper!"
"Mommy just LOVED my first work of art and posted it on our fridge!"

We ended the day with some errand running, walk, played outside, went to Mimzy's, ate dinner, took a bath, playtime, and now it is about 7:30 and he is fast asleep! Quite an exhausting day for my bubbie!


McKinleigh said...

Awwwwwwww... art with Evan :). Love it!

The ABC Family said...

Cute cute cute...The Little Gym will definitely knock him out for the day. He will love it tomorrow!