Saturday, May 9, 2009

Evan LOVES Memere and Pepere!

This week I returned back to work after 15 weeks off! But, Evan was in GREAT hands! :) My grandparents took care of him this week and will for one more also! It has been so nice!!! I appreciate them so much!!!

Then, next weekend his Grandnan comes in town to stay with him for a few weeks! So wonderful that our family is able to help us out! I am so attached to this boy and don't know what I would do if I didn't have this option while he is still so little (yet not so much...almost 16 pounds! haha).

In other Evan updates, he is talking all the time, giggling, and squealing! He is doing great with head control and drinking 6 oz at each bottle feeding. THIS BOY IS READY FOR FOOD!

Here are some pics they took from their visit this week!



McKinleigh said...

You all survived your first week back! Luckily, you've only got a couple more to go. :)

mykala22 said...

hi Miss Lindberg Evan is so cute!!!It's Mykala Peacock iwas in your class at P.E.C.Evan is so big!!

mykala22 said...