Thursday, April 9, 2009


I have been such a bad blogger this week because Evan and I have been locked up in my bedroom while our tile gets fixed! It has been crazy! But, it did give me some time to take some fun pics and video!

Please excuse all the pj pics...but, he is a morning person and that is when I can usually get the best smiles and also...we have been literally sitting on my bed for 2 days straight, so no need to get fancy :)

Relaxing on his boppy!

Doing some tummy time...though since he is a belly sleeper, this sometimes doesn't go so great...but he is doing very well with head control...will have to post some video later. He also likes to head butt, I think I am going to have a fat lip!
We have noticed that he can flip his tongue from side to side!

Tis the season for taxes! Sorry buddy, no deduction this year...missed that deadline by 23 days!
Loves to sleep in our bed in the morning...
Dreams of his future as a LONGHORN!
HAPPY BOY! little bright...YIKES!
Had to put a nakey pic to show you the chunkyiness...


Sallie said...

These are adorable! I especially love the first three pictures--he is so full of life!

McKinleigh said...

Goodness gracious! He is so stinkin' cute! Such a smiley boy!