Saturday, March 21, 2009


Since hearing this earlier today, I just haven't been able to get this poor family out of my mind. I don't know if it is because I am now a mom or even more so because it is a little boy. Just thinking of the family's situation brings tears to my eyes. A close friend of ours in AZ nephew was recently diagnosed with a disease where he frequently has seizures or strokes. They were told there is no cure and basically he will continue to get these seizures and strokes until his brain can no longer handle it. I can't imagine going through something like this and would really appreciate they be placed in your thoughts and prayers. Hearing of their struggle makes my experience with Bell's Palsy and premature labor SO minuscule...Christian and I are so lucky. Thank you...

1 comment:

The ABC Family said...

AWWWW....Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. You guys are great friends.