First Bath Pics! Last night we were able to give him his first real bath using the FUN tub that my aunt Nancy bought for him! As Christian undressed him, he sprayed all over him and the floor! It was pretty funny! Enjoy pics and video at bottom of post!
Our little munchkin is two weeks old! Even though he mainly just eats, sleeps, and poops (A LOT!)...there are quite a few other things he can do!
-Let us know when he is hungry, doesn't cry, but more so growls-Take REAL baths! AND LOVES IT!
-hold your hand
-Scratch his face...see mittens pic...and by the way the creator of these mittens did not have smaller babies in mind...THEY DO NOT STAY ON!
-hold his pacifier in his mouth...this is REALLY adorable...need to catch it on film!
-Wiggle his arms out of Daddy's PERFECT swaddle (he likes to sleep with his arms above his head)
-Sleep for 5 hours the first part of the night...yes we are soooo lucky!
-snuggle on the couch
-Give mom kisses on the cheek (really he is just looking for food, but I like to think they are kisses)
-roll on his side
-DRINK 2.5 OUNCES of milk! The first day he was born, we could barely get 5cc's...and now we get 75 on a good feeding!!!
-Make his mom and dad love him more everyday :)
Ooohhh! What a sweet lil boy! He is such a blessing!
Well, where's the 2 week cake? I was looking forward to coming over and eating it! :)
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