Saturday, November 8, 2008

Whoa Belly!

Here's a belly pic and a mommy and daddy pic!

Oh, a few I thought I would tell you the middle name comes from Great Aunt Jo. She is quite ill now, but used to be one of the craziest and spunkiest old ladies ever! I used to spend weeks with her several times a year growing up. She always (literally until my Senior Year in high school) spent the night with me Christmas Eve and always had fun stories to tell. She never had kids and so as you can imagine, those weeks in Texarkana were filled with shopping, movies, nails...and really ALL things GIRL! I have always wanted my first child to have her name as their middle :)

Also, we scheduled our 3-D ultrasound the other day! Totally pumped about that! It's on Christmas Eve and I am so excited because my mom and my grandmother (memere) will get to be there! :)


Sallie said...

Mamma Mia! You look radiant!

The ABC Family said...

So you decided on a name! I like it! And of course you look beautiful.

Jamie said...

You look so cute pregnant!! I cant wait to meet my little cousin Evan.. If you need anything just ask!! love ya!

Alison said...

i like how his name has meaning behind it. are you staying in arixona for christmas or going home? you should be a pregnant model for maternity clothes