Sunday, Evan celebrated the BIG 5 will all his little buddies! We were counting down until this big day for a LONG time! He has had this theme picked out for quite a while...
We had all sorts of themed food (of which I didn't take any photos of, and THANK GOODNESS for Megan and Sara taking over my camera or I wouldn't have any of these photos - All moms know how it is to host a party! LOL)
The Cake! We had it made them Christian set the scene on top! Worked perfect!
Jedi Juice and Force Fuel. We also had "Jaba the HUT dogs", "Chewbaca Chips and Dips", "Vader Veggies" "Grape Lightsabers", "Wookie Cookies" "Yoda Soda" and some other non themed foods! LOL. Thank you Mims for helping me get it all together! And Todd for manning the grill!
His friends arrived and we got right to fun! Bounce house, hockey table, climbing in the fort, tattoos!
Right before lunch we had our first game! We used boxes (thx Mimi!) and little spongey angry bird characters to make life size angry bird games!
It was lots of fun for all the kids! They played it over and over!
Lucy and her pops!
After lunch we played another fun game! "Pop the Piggy!" The night before the neighbors (my lifesavers - pulling an all nighter with us haha) helped us blow up lots of white storm trooper pig balloons! The kids wore angry bird masks and used the noodle lightsaber party favors Christian and I made to pop them!
Group photo - we are missing a few :-/
After the game and lots of noodle battles, haha, it was time for presents and cake!
Evan had so much fun celebrating his birthday with all his friends! THANK YOU to everyone who came and made his day so special!!!