Tuesday was Evan's last day of preschool!
Oh my gosh...he looks so much older now!
Here is his first day pic!
My 3 loves!
We just LOVE Ms. Jennifer!
And while Evan celebrated with his school friends...Ainsley and I headed to the splash pad with some friends too!
Parker and her were pretending to be puppies...
She had so much fun!
Sweet little friends :) Had a ball together!
That night we had a family pizza party to celebrate Evan's last day!
Then Wednesday marked...our official first day of summer!
DISCLAIMER: These are not a normal routine of activities that happen in a single day in our house...I literally let everything go so Evan could have a fun day!
Evan was so bummed school was over so I told him the day was about him and what he wanted to do!
First off-a project! He created a spider web from tape...not too bad-even if his "hexagon" has 7 sides...LOL.
He wanted to swim solo in his playpool while his sisters took naps. Funny thing though...he was SO BORED! haha
Rode his jeep to the bus stop to see his friends
Had a race and got to hang out with "his boys"
Ainsley says they are her boys too! haha
Last days of school are so bittersweet! Excited for summer and but so sad to see the kids growing up so fast!
And I AM SO SORRY AINSLEY but I just HAD to post this...
Ainsley wearing my first pair of glasses! We found these while going through some memorabilia boxes my mom brought over!
Happy Holiday weekend everyone!