Today was a fun Friday! We went to Little Gym and Evan did TWO skills indepently that he had NEVER done before! WOOHOO! One of which shown on video below...climbing onto the uneven bars and swinging down! He watched his friend Ava (shown above but a little fuzzy) do it a few times and caught on! He starts the more advanced class on Monday and I am so excited!
And here is how I found Ainsley after her snack today...she cracks me up!
Some play time! Look at this mom!!!
Ohhhhh the puppy! Well...Evan has the green version of this puppy and has been obsessed with it since he got it from Aunt Sarah for his first birthday. Lately, Ainsley wanted it ALL the time. And as much as I believe in "sharing sharing sharing" Chris and I have come to the conclusion and decision that kids are allowed to have some special things that are just their own. For Evan it is his puppy and the recorded book that Mimi reads (Ains loves it but he does NOT let her touch it). So...we figured that Aunt Sarah would probably spoil Ainsley to one too for her birthday but went ahead and did it a little early (sorry!) but, Evan wasn't having it! LOL
Most of you know, Evan is very much into art! PROJECTS ALL THE TIME! So, this afternoon, he painted a little bird house for the backyard! Seriously, check out those awesome brush strokes! HAHAHA
And here it is...once it dried...he picked out the perfect spot for it to go outside!
Evan draws, colors, paints daily but each week...we are going to try and do a special project and the bird house got us started!
IDEA STEAL ALERT! LOL Thank you Jackie for this idea....With it being SOOOO hot here...we have to get creative we made a hopscotch...Evan thinks it is so fun. It is still a little hard for him to do but, is having a blast trying! And I have caught myself doing it everytime I walk by...haha.
So we had a pretty FABULOUS Friday and tomorrow will be even better! Last day of football class, Kaylee's Beach Party, and Mattias Party where the theme is GET MESSY! WOOOHOO!!!! More pics to come! HAHA