Friday, December 31, 2010

Snuggle time!

Snuggle time! Aunt Sarah and Ainsley napping on this cold AZ day!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Our fabulous Christmas Holiday Festivities!

We had a great holiday season! Evan was so much fun this year and having our little baby girl made it even more special :) We had a big party with my extended fam...grandparents, cousins, etc, a Polar Express night with Todd and his girls, spent Christmas Eve with Mimzy and MJ, and Christmas Day we skyped with Grandnan, Aunt Sarah, Grandad, and Aunt Bethany....then later that day MJ and Mimzy came over for lunch :)


Do you know what a monster says? Evan does.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

For aunt Chris.....

Evan loves his aqua doodle!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ainsley's birth, at home pics, and LG grad!

Happy Christmas Eve! Even though things are a little crazy for the Lindberg Fam right now...we have never felt so BLESSED! Our little family feels quite complete!

I know alot of you want to hear the birth here are the "cliff notes". Last Tuesday at my doctor's appt, he told me I was in early labor...basically having regular contractions just not intense enough to be considered active labor. The contractions continued through the week (thank you mom for all your help!) making me pretty uncomfortable and sleep impossible! Saturday night it got REALLY bad and I went in only to find out I had only dialated about a centimeter and a half since Tuesday. They suggested a shot of morphene for the pain and the doc was pretty sure that would actually relax me and stop the contractions. I felt pretty good after that and went home and slept a few hours. WELL, the shot actually did the reverse (which we came to find out later at the hospital that this is also possible) and relaxed me so much that I dialated! I woke up in some pretty crazy pain (couldn't even walk), my water broke, and we headed back to the hospital! We called ahead (labor was that accelerated) so the doc and ER would know we were coming. When I arrived, her head was out! you can imagine the answer to my first question of "Can I get something for pain??!!!" was "There isn't enough time". I didn't even make it to a labor room...I had her right in the OB triage unit (HOW EMBARRASSING....I WAS THAT SCREAMING WOMAN!). little push and there she was! It was a completely surreal experience! And well...I guess I can now put down in my book of accomplishments that I have experienced NATURAL CHILDBIRTH! Pretty crazy for me, because the number one component of my birth plan was an epidural...haha. But, it is possible and I guess now that I have done it feel pretty tough! LOL!

And Ainsley was born completely healthy at 7lbs 11oz and besides her juandice and a little facial bruising (from coming out so fast) SHE IS GREAT! And actually at her doc appt yesterday was 7 lbs 11.6 oz so she is already at her birth weight. She is such a little porker...she eats like crazy!

Life at home has been poor first in command has been feeling pretty icky so that I has been really hard :( He just wants to love on and play with baby sister but he has had to keep his distance! I am so ready for him to be 100%! Well on to the good stuff! (pictures)

Ainsley getting her juandice treatments...but at least she is getting them in style...I just LOVE baby legs!!!!

Trying natural sun treatments

Wide awake!


Relaxing on her newborn lounger!

Headed home from the hospital!!!

Family of four! Note mommy-daughter matching jammies!

Just a little after she was born...

yikes! But jammies are cute!


Evan's Little Gym Graduation from last Friday! LG is Evan's most favorite place!

Ribbon time!

Hanging on the bar...he reached from mat to bar! (the mat is actually quite a bit closer than it seems)

I will post Christmas festivities as soon as possible!

Sun bathing beauty

My little baby getting treated for her juandice...she is such a sweet baby!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Big brother!


Nap time

Well after not going to bed until almost 2 am....somebody is very tired! Will try to do a big post later....after a much needed mommy nap :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Precious baby!

Day one has been great! Ainsley is so peaceful :)

Little Ainsley Elizabeth

Born 12.19 @ 1:48 am....7 lbs 11 oz. 19 inches... And doing great!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

For those of you who have been asking...

Here is a recent pic with the new hair cut and a belly pic...almost 36 weeks! Have my 36 week appt tomorrow, will try and update with more pics later this week!

Friday, December 3, 2010


This morning I found Evan's Santa pic from last year and put it back out. We have been talking alot about Santa and even got to watch a video message from him! I am trying to warm him up before we go see him in person...he is scared to death of things that are dressed up :) Not a great video...on my phone...

After this message....we got a few postal deliveries and each time the doorbell rang he shouted "SANTA!" LOL