Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer is here and new adventures begin!

It's officially summer and I am officially a STAY AT HOME MOMMY! It was very sad my last few days of teaching, I had such an AMAZING class this year but, I am THRILLED to get the opportunity to be home with Evan and little lindberg #2! That's right, January 5th, 2011 Little Lindberg #2 is expected! I have already had a few doctor's appts and things look great! VERY different with this one-once you have one that is premature prenatal care is a little different.

Starting at 17 weeks, I have to get weekly pregestorne injections to prevent preterm labor. It is the only completely safe method (Tributelyne and Magnesium...YUCK) and it is effective. A home health care nurse will come to our house once a week to administer the shots and I will get them until I am 36 weeks. After that, doctor said be ready and prepared because in most cases, week 37 that baby is here. So...this time I will not be UNPREPARED! That bag will be packed the first week in December :) Other than was measuring right on track (not big like big brother). I have my next appt in a few weeks and we will get to hear the heart beat! Though I can kind of cheat on that since I have my own monitor! But I was thinking the first time might be the most fun in doc's office. I have been feeling pretty yucky with this pregnancy so I am counting down until my 13th week when all the baby books say it gets "better"...queasy about 90% of the time, only want fruit products (and about screamed at the lady at Jack n the Box when she said the milkshake machine was broken), HEARTBURN from EVERYTHING-Tums are my new favorite snack food :), very different from how I felt about Evan...I think this is going to be WILD CHILD! :)

Although things have been so crazy with finishing up work...we have definitely still had some time for FUN! We are in the pool like crazy and we have just been hanging out! Evan's most favorite things right now....swimming, BUZZ LIGHTYEAR, balls, yogurt melts, ravioli, playing on the computer, still loves SID, being outside, bossing around the puppies, dancing...I have seen the biggest changes with him recently though...he will wipe his face and nose, clean up his own toy mess (put it away), and follows directions so well! He went from like a baby to such a little person!

ANGRY! He was carrying these around and kept stepping on them! Made him so mad!
Eating lunch with uncle!

Daddy couldn't resist the chair...
Last Friday night, we babysat Jayden! Got a little dose of what two is like :) hahaChowing down on asparagus...WILL HE EVER EAT NEATER????!!!! Doing so much better with veggies!
Few more pool pics from when some friends came over!

I have a good friend from college, Amy, who asked what kind of words he right now we are hearing lots of mommy, daddy, more, please, uh-oh (purposely throws/drops things so he can say it!), puppy, bad-puppy, bye bye, hey, ball, what, bar (loves breakfast bars), that, a-me (meaning to give him something), down, NO NO, yeah....there are more but those are the main ones right now!

And some videos of our little water baby!