Well...since we are all feeling better, on Saturday we went on a little family outing to the zoo! It was alot of fun! EVAN LOVED IT! The World Wildlife Zoo is just up the street and it is such a cool place. You are so close to the animals and they continue to improve and add to it. We are definitely going to be getting a membership there...it will be so much fun to take Evan there this summer and next year!
His favorites: giraffes, rhinos, stingrays, sharks, penguins, look downs, and monkeys! He would reach and point for them and of course, blow them kisses. TOO cute! And just cracked up at the penguins! With those being such a favorite, I was pretty shocked when he picked out this HUGE snake at the gift shop. It is soooo funny...he wraps it around his neck and I can't help but think of the VERY popular Britney Spears song "Slave". HAHA!
Me and Christian...haha

So snuggley...Check out their little faces smushed inside!

This black swan was going after the coi!

This guy made us sad. We watched him for a while and he eventually fell asleep but, his family was playing together and he was alone :(


Nap time!

White tiger

Happy boy!

"That!" but he more says "Dat!"

Cruising around...

Evan and I were actually feeding the giraffe on the other side, but Christian couldn't capture it...

Then, Daddy took him up...but eyes still on mom!

We were able to get some pretty awesome pictures with our new camera and were so lucky to have gone yesterday because a baby monkey with JUST born a few days before!!! Just out these pics! It was so incredible!
All snug with mom

Tiny baby!

Oh! We also gave Evan his first hair cut last night! It was getting pretty long in the back, so just trimmed it up a bit...we plan on growing it out...but it was getting to the mullet stage!