Friday, February 26, 2010


Well...I KNOW this is the worst video footage ever. But let me tell you...the flip died, Christian's phone was at home, and this old school device was the only way of capturing the moment!

Yes...we are all YELLING like crazy! And of course...while Mimzy was trying to get this camera ready...he took 7 steps (that's the most so far) to dad...we never got the good runs on camera. Guess we have a weekend project! :) More TOMORROW!

Monday, February 22, 2010


That's right...Evan says...well...the starts of EVAN! He mainly says it on the baby monitor in the mornings..."Eva-Ev-Ev"...When we first noticed...we were like "HE IS SAYING EVAN!". I mean it makes since, that is how we get his attention. Will get on video as soon as I get a chance. Though honestly, wont happen before weekend because every other morning we wake him up.

Above pic - how cute is his turtle back pack!!!

Not much is new. I am still working on publishing my blog book and Christian is SOOOO busy at work...which is a GREAT sign that the market is turning around. Evan is fighting a pretty yucky cold...but I am thinking it is due to teething. He is standing unassisted MUCH more frequently in the last week! Evan threw up at school on Friday and Chris was home with him and came around the hall corner...and BAM...there he was! I am feeling some steps in the near future. Just needs a little more confidence. It is so exciting (for my back) but I am really trying not to rush it. He is a climbing machine. ALL OVER the couch, under the coffee table, untop of his music table, on his toy shelf...wherever! Such a little stinker!

He says momma and points to WHATEVER he wants: yogurt, books, blankey, car DVD player to turn on, cell phone, TV, swing outside, slide at park, wagon...EVERYTHING! I love how much he is communicating! He LOVES animals! Shawn and Lindsay's cat and puppy, the neighbor chihuaua, and of course his 3 partners in crime!

And...this weekend we went for our first bike ride!

This is the face we get when he sees the camera...CHEESE!

WOW! Check out that mess! He LOVES suckers!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Camera Phone Pics...and a few updates!

Camera phone pics...for all those moments in which the DSLR was not available...

Spaghetti night at Mimzy's!

The very happy face I get when I visit his class...

Turtle Shades! Dad thought they were frivolous! :(
A little too much shopping! Cannot keep up with mom!

Other updates:
-Evan has attempted to crawl out of the crib at daycare so now sleeps on a cot
-Has 11 teeth!
-Shakes his head and says "NNNNNNNNNN" (more of a NU sound than NO!) when he doesn't want to do something
-EATS LIKE A PIG!!!! Here was his dinner tonight: whole can of chicken noodle soup, a banana, 10 cucumber slices, and 12 animal crackers...THEN 10 minutes later...4 oz of milk...YIKES!
-Doesn't walk yet...but out on walks at school and with mommy...likes to push the stroller from behind...
-Goes to bed at 7pm because 1 nap a day and the toddler room WEARS HIM OUT!
-Still cries when I drop him off or visit at should be PRETTY HAPPY that Mommy is STAYING HOME NEXT YEAR!
-Loves when I sing "Old McEvan Had A Farm" and songs of any kind
-Still is obsessed with Sid the Science kid and Favorite car movie is NEMO!!! (waves bye-bye when I turn it off)
-Loves lollipops
-Will throw a fit in Target when he can't have a toy!!!

Seriously...we kind of have our hands full with this one. I just LOVE how curious, energetic, and outgoing he is!!!! Here are some of the AWESOME 1st year pics we got! I just love our photographer! He seriously captures Evan's personality PERFECTLY!

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PS...Grandnan...sorry it took so long :(

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Family Zoo Trip!

Well...since we are all feeling better, on Saturday we went on a little family outing to the zoo! It was alot of fun! EVAN LOVED IT! The World Wildlife Zoo is just up the street and it is such a cool place. You are so close to the animals and they continue to improve and add to it. We are definitely going to be getting a membership will be so much fun to take Evan there this summer and next year!

His favorites: giraffes, rhinos, stingrays, sharks, penguins, look downs, and monkeys! He would reach and point for them and of course, blow them kisses. TOO cute! And just cracked up at the penguins! With those being such a favorite, I was pretty shocked when he picked out this HUGE snake at the gift shop. It is soooo funny...he wraps it around his neck and I can't help but think of the VERY popular Britney Spears song "Slave". HAHA!

Me and Christian...haha
So snuggley...Check out their little faces smushed inside!
This black swan was going after the coi!
This guy made us sad. We watched him for a while and he eventually fell asleep but, his family was playing together and he was alone :(
Nap time!
White tiger

Happy boy!
"That!" but he more says "Dat!"
Cruising around...
Evan and I were actually feeding the giraffe on the other side, but Christian couldn't capture it...
Then, Daddy took him up...but eyes still on mom!
We were able to get some pretty awesome pictures with our new camera and were so lucky to have gone yesterday because a baby monkey with JUST born a few days before!!! Just out these pics! It was so incredible!

All snug with mom
Tiny baby!

Oh! We also gave Evan his first hair cut last night! It was getting pretty long in the back, so just trimmed it up a bit...we plan on growing it out...but it was getting to the mullet stage!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mischievious little guy...and stomach bug!

This week has been really rough. Christian and I are both dealing with a pretty nasty stomach bug. Fever, chills, vomiting...the whole deal! Christian's is at its peak today and has been worse than mine (we are both home) and I am still achy...BUT LUCKILY EVAN IS FINE!!!

Anyways...Evan is such a fun little toddler. I call him a toddler now because he was promoted to the TODDLER ROOM at school! No more high chairs, cribs, or strollers! He now sits at a big boy table, naps on a mat, and gets to play at recess :)!!! He is even working on feeding himself applesauce and yogurt...YIKES! He LOVES his new class! He would normally start crying when he would see me come visit or pick him up...but yesterday was loving playing with the big boys! We haven't done a drop off in the toddler room (that's a nightmare with Evan) so I will see how that goes tomorrow. I will keep you updated on all the big changes at school!

Christian and I are in the process of turning one of our extra rooms in a playroom for Evan. Here are the shelves that we got to organize some of his toys (thanks memere and pepere). We are getting a couch, a TV for the wall, and a rug. The decals from Evan's party are on the wall in the room too! I will post a pic once it is all finished! He LOVES playing in here!
Chatting on the phone with Mimzy! He LOVES talking on the phone!
HOKEY POKEY ELMO! We borrowed this from school last weekend...HE LOVES it! But...they dont make them anymore :( So wish I could find one somewhere!

He is such a climber!

Loves to play in all the cabinets!

Playing the drums!

Still chews on EVERYTHING!!! Eating his fire truck hose!

New words: Need to get on video...will try later
-"that" and points
-What's a puppy say, Evan? "RUFF RUFF"'s so cute!!!

New things:
-Can drive his TRAIN by himself!!!
-If I give him 2 sets of keys (don't have bells)...will attempt to sing Little Gym welcome song with me...will sing, shake, and hit floor at all the right times!!!