Thursday, October 29, 2009

Gotta LOVE this guy!

He's a purse-snatching....




Door Stop-drumming...

Kind of guy!

( the door stop drumming reminiscent???)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

9 month well check :)

Today Evan had his 9 month checkup! He is doing great! Tested negative for anemia and also got a flu shot. He weighed 23 pounds 14 oz and was 29.5 inches long! That puts him in the 90th and 75th percentile. Because of how he was interacting with the doc and mimicking Mommy, she said he is very intelligent for his age :) WOOO HOOO!!! My little Baby Eintein...haha! Will post more later...just wanted to update news from the doc!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

9 months, "No More Green Beans, Mom!", and little traveler

Yesterday, Evan turned 9 Months old!!! We have his wellness check on Tuesday, I can't wait to see what the doctor says about all these teeth!

At 9 Months...3/4 of a year...Evan...
-LOVES cheerios
-Can pull to a stand on some things
-no longer scared of his bath toys
-walks all over when holding mommy's hands
-Does NOT like green beans and peas (wow...this sounds familar...CHRISTIAN!)
-Can't get enough of CARROTS!
-Doesn't always fall asleep in the car
-Will crawl and follow mommy/daddy around
-snuggles, pets and crawls all over his puppies
-opens drawers (but doesn't shut them for some reason)
-loves looking in baskets (most of you know I love Longerburger...I keep his toys in one...but looks in all of them thinking they are his)
-giggles like crazy!
-Hunts for cords
-Tries to talk..."Hi", "Ma"
-Throws his head back when he laughs (we think he is mimicking daddy)
-Growls and shows his front teeth...maybe getting in character for Halloween?
-SOOO entertained by paper
-Enjoys looking at books (His Aunt Chris got him this book with a Spider that peeks through...HE THINKS ITS REAL)
-Cries when Mommy drops his off at school
-DEFINETLY knows what a camera is!
-Likes tapping tile and tables with his hand

That was just a few of the special things about him!

This little ball of energy is just full of personality...We seriously wonder what we used to do without him...Our life must have been pretty boring!!!! :)


He thought he was pretty funny....
This morning before Little Gym...he had such a solemn little face :( He was sooo tired this morning! But perked up when we got to gym! We signed up for the spring today and got one of his favorite things there as a prize! A slo-mo ball! WOOHOOO!

Hanging out at MJ's football game with Memere...
Loves being outside...EVEN MORE SO....LOVES grass! Just wanted to eat it!

Little Traveler! I was cooking, so I laid out this blanket on the floor with all the toys on is what little Evan did with it!
We thought it was so funny that he crawled to his diaper bag and dug out his sippy cup...

HE IS EVERYWHERE! Crawled from nursery to the kitchen on Thursday and from Living Room to master bathroom last night! YIKES!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Need I say more???

AHHH!!! I was pretty shocked when I walked in and saw him this way!!!!

In other Evan business...his 4 teeth are coming in strong! And, it is confirmed...he does have his mommy's big chompers! I told Christian we should go ahead and start saving for braces...haha! He does not really like puffs but, LOVES Cheerios!

Makes LOTS of messes!!!

Flips over his crawling tunnel!!! He is becoming quite mischievous!!!

AND...drum roll please...has started holding his own bottle! :) WOW!

We are also trying to work on talking! We think he says "hi" (maybe :) ) and did say "ma" the other day but honestly...could have just been babbling :) Who knows!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Little Gym and Little Faux Hawk!

Yesterday, Christian gave Evan a little Faux-Hawk...Can really see it that it was really little! :) I really wanted all the hair rather than a Faux-Hawk, but it just wouldn't work! I can't wait for his hair to continue to grow...I really want to grow it shaggy...but we shall see!

Not styled yet...Just had to get a pic in his cute little monkey shirt

Then, this morning we had a our first Little Gym class! He is the youngest in the group. There is another little guy that is not yet really walking, but all the others are. They made Evan a little movie to document his first if you are interested, put your email in the comments section of the post. Otherwise, I will just look in my address book and send it to as many people as I have :) He did ALL SORTS of things today! Balance beam, front rolls, log rolls, back rolls, hula hoop balancing, walking bar, swung on uneven bars (DID NOT LIKE BEING PULLED OVER!), chased scarfs, balls, and bubbles, sang songs, played with the stretch cords, and MORE! He was exhausted!!!! Feel asleep in the car right away. Here are just a few pics Christian took:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Busy Bee!

When Evan wakes up in the morning, he needs some time to wake up slowly. He started his day with a nice swing!

Then, he played with his two favorite toys at the moment! My brothers old train that moves when you press the button and his "who loves baby" book!

After breakfast (Evan is starting to show food preference by the way...) we went to a Playdate at Little Gym! He was by far the youngest there by over a year...but it was still fun! He was moving EVERYWHERE, standing on the walking bar, chased balls and bubbles, LOVES scarfs :), and also played some music! He just loved watching the big kids so I am glad that he is going to be the youngest in his class on Saturday, I am thinking he is going to learn some tricks from the pros. It was cracking me up today because the kids were log rolling and Evan would do it too! The other mommies were cracking up at him! It was fun to do something new with him and also fun to chat with some other mommies! I really wanted to take some pics...but no one else had the camera out so didn't want to look like a dork! :) BUT, Saturday Daddy will be with us and will snap some pics!

Once we got home...he took a bottle and was OUT for almost 3 hours!!! During that time my friends Sallie and Mckinleigh came over!!! Shortly after Sallie left Evan woke up and Mckinleigh and I decided to do some arts and crafts with him! HAHA...Color Wonder...what a neat invention!

Deep thoughts by Evan "hmmm what should I color next?"

"Not so sure about this coloring thing...maybe I should just eat the marker!"
"What! This is paper? I LOVE paper!"
"Mommy just LOVED my first work of art and posted it on our fridge!"

We ended the day with some errand running, walk, played outside, went to Mimzy's, ate dinner, took a bath, playtime, and now it is about 7:30 and he is fast asleep! Quite an exhausting day for my bubbie!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fall Break Fun!

Evan and I have had such a fun week together and it is ONLY Tuesday! Yesterday we had a play date with Camden and Amy! Evan just loved crawling all over him! Then last night, we went to the park. Evan rode the swings and tried out the slide! Notice the long sleeves? It's cooling down a bit!
Action Shot! Haha
This morning we went to the Public Libary for story hour. It was a BLAST! We sang, did "lap dances" hahaha (but really...that's what the lady called them), she read a book, played with toys, did shakers, BUBBLES, had cheerios, and did the parachute! I am on a mission for Gymboree bubbles! You guess which one do you think was Evan's favorite...did you guess Parachute??? While all the kids were snacking and playing, he just wanted to lay in the parachute all folded up! Too bad I forgot my camera!

This Saturday we start Little Gym! He will be in the birds group each Saturday at 8:00am and then will be able to go to open gym time! We are sooo excited!

Also, I ordered his Halloween costume and believe it or was not one of the options I posted on the blog! I am so excited for it to arrive!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cooling down in AZ!

Fall is coming to the desert! The mornings this week have been soooo nice! And the afternoons have been bearable. Only bummer is that it is kind of chilly for swimming :( But...didn't stop Christian this morning! BUUUUUR! According to our new outdoor clock/thermometer it is about 87 degrees. With the backyard done...we are ready for some outdoor living! WE ARE SO READY FOR A BREAK FROM THE HEAT! That and I just LOVE everything Fall...the colors, holidays, food/treats, etc. And it is just going to be a BLAST this year with all of Evie's firsts!

These next two weeks is fall break and I am just so excited to have so much quality time with Evan! I have planned lots of little projects for myself and maybe I can get a nap or two in there too!

Evan has just been such a little wiggle worm lately! He is all over the place and if he is awake and energetized...does not want to be held. He is still REALLY snuggly before bed, after naps, and when I pick him up in the afternoons!

In other news with Evan...his 3rd and 4th tooth have broken through! So, probably within the next couple of weeks, you should be able to see his pearly whites in pics of him.

Sorry for the narrative...on to the good stuff! I have noticed lately that I am THAT TYPE OF know...the type that can talk for HOURS about her beloved baby! :)

Happy guy in the morning...but we are really starting to notice some quirks! For example, he WILL NOT get up right away and eat...he is slow to wake and needs playtime first!


Crawled to toy basket...where is my giraffe???


GOT IT! Couldn't snap fast enough to get him kissing it once he grabbed it! Bummer!
It's Pumpkin Season!

Mimzy trying to get him to drink from a cup! BELIEVE it or NOT...this was one of MY old cups! Such a pack rat!

Tuckered out! Played too hard!
Playing outside! Like our new iron art? A kokopeli, lizard, and turtle!
SWING! Hanging this was QUITE the adventure...put it this way...ACE knows me by name! Stucco is NOT the best for things like this! BUT, we figured out the best and SAFEST way and it is perfect!