Saturday, July 25, 2009

6 Months and Such a BIG boy plus some trip pics!!!

The Lindberg Fam has been so busy lately!  Between our super fun Sedona trip and me starting back at work on Wednesday...things have been hectic!  Evan started at Kiddie Paradise this week!  The first day was a little rocky, but he did alot better on Thurs and Friday!  His teachers are amazing.  One is a mommy of two boys with her 3rd on the way.  Her calm and easy going nature is great with the babies.  The other teacher is a pediatric nurse!!!  She discovered that Evan seems to be getting tooth on the side first!!!  She had subbed for my class a few times this year and when I heard she interviewed for KP, was so excited!  The summer went so fast, but it is nice to work in such a family focused and friendly environment.  The expanded the daycare this year, doubling the infant, toddler, and preschool rooms.  AND, adding an indoor Wiggle Room which is fully padded and full of tunnels, slides, and developmental toys for all the ages!

Evan also had his 6 month appointment yesterday.  He seems to get better with the shots the more times he has to get them!  Evan weighed in at 19 pounds 11 oz.  He wouldn't keep still for the scale, was just cracking up at the nurse and the weight fluctuated from 19 pounds 11 oz to 19 pounds 15 oz, so we called it even at the 11 oz :)  That put him in between the 80 to 90 percentile and for height, he was 27 inches and was in the 75th percentile!  I was laughing, because instead of his growth being a curve, it is really more vertical!  The checkup was great and based on his needs, adding lunch and the doc said we can start giving him yogurt for protein. 

He is becoming so active and plays all the time!  He was talking so loud in the doctor's office, they could hear him rooms away!  He is also making more sounds.  He is sitting up really well, still a little wobbly, but doc says that is normal and will pull himself up when propped on a pillow.  When he is sitting he loves to hold your fingers and pull to a stand.  He is not crawling, just kind of moving backwards and pulling.  The doc said that some heavier set (haha) babies sometimes either take a while to crawl or just skip it and begin pulling up on who knows!  But, I think he is doing just great and honestly am in NO HURRY to have him all over the place!  I love that he still wants mommy to hold him all the time and not sure I am READY for all that independence :)

Also I have included some of our Sedona Trip pics!  There were about a million, but a picked my favs!  It was the cutest place we went to!  It was cabins that you could rent, but there was a central lodge where they made breakfast, snacks, had games, tons of info, and  a huge outdoor sitting area right on the creek!  I definitely want to go back!  We hiked, laid in hammocks, grilled out, played games, shopped, and RELAXED!!!  It was Evan's first trip and he did GREAT!

He loves this crazy toy Grandnan bought him!
Taggies!  Evan playing with his taggie rings!
Me and Christian in Sedona
The Cabin's kitchen

Evan and Mimzy

The boys hit up the swimming hole!
Hiking around the canyon!
Our Cabin Living Room!
I think the outfits with things on the booty are so cute!

Entry to the cabin

My little Michelin Man!

The Lodge
There is a little seat in his tub, but pushes himself off of it so he can lay in the water!

I am Evan knows JUST what to do the minute that camera comes out!!! :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A few pics!

Just a few pics from this week!  

MY FAVORITE OUTFIT!!!!  Full body shot!
Smiling at mom!
Rolling over from back to tummy!!!  
Doing so much better at sitting up!!!

That's all for now!  But, I am sure I will have some cute ones after our trip this weekend to Sedona!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Such a BAD blogger!!!!

Sorry!!!  I have been so bad lately!!!!  But, we have been so busy with my fam moving to Phoenix, going to Lindsay and Shawn's wedding, the 4th, our pool, and now our tile getting redone!  

Evan is growing and changing daily!  I feel like I take a pic and a few days later he looks so different!  Rolling over, trying to sit (yet he has a similar build to Humpty Dumpty and we all know how that turned out), reaching, grabbing, rolling from back to side, getting better with naps and sleeping, GIVES KISSES and SOOOOO CUDDLY!!!!

I will get right to all the good stuff...PICTURES!!!!  Some of them are out of computer is not letting me select and move them today!!!  SORRY!

Swimming at my Aunt's house!

Us at Lindsay and Shawn's Wedding!!!

Such a happy boy!!!

REALLY loved his swim shoes!!!
4th of July Pics!!!

Working with a cup...

Napping with dad!!!
I LOVE THIS ONSIE!!!  I love how his hip is popped out!
Trying to drink with no hands!!! :)

With Uncle MJ!!!

Evan is grabbing EVERYTHING now!!!!  And reaching for mom!!!! :)
Adorable bath pic...but had to censor it :)