Saturday, March 28, 2009

Granddad's visit!

It has been such a fun week and weekend! Granddad came to visit! He got here late Wednesday and leaves early Sunday morning. We should him around some places here in the Valley, took some long walks, SEVERAL Starbucks runs :), went to the aquarium, and have eaten some really good dinners :)

He gets this face from his daddy!!!
Does NOT enjoy tummy time...usually just wants to fall asleep...LOVES sleeping on his tummy...which we don't really allow him to do unless his is snuggling on our chest.
A joyful moment!

This is usually what happens during tummy time!At the new aquarium...we woke Evan up for the pic!
Slept the whole time!

Christian played with some Stingrays!

Napping together...Evan's favorite way to sleep

A video of his first time in his BUMBO! Also got a video of him "talking"...but it is from my camera and sideways and I can't turn it!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Two Months old!!!

TWO MONTHS OLD??? Time is just flying by! Evan had his two month checkup today and he is doing great!!! He is in the 50-55th percentiles for weight and height (for being a premie, that's good!) He was 11 POUNDS and 6 OUNCES!!!! He has a HUGE appetite so I am not surprised! He had to get quite a bit of immunizations today, so he is not feeling so hot :(

Evan is cooing, laughing, smiling, grabbing hair, glasses, and necklaces (time to bust out some ring a links) and doing great with his head movement. Also, almost 2 weeks ago he out grew newborn clothes :( The doc said he is right where he should be developmentally...for a normal 2 month old, not a premie :) YEA! He will probably start on solid foods around 4 months...that is another new thing we learned today. And even though Chris and I were certain his eyes are blue, Dr. Crawford said she thinks they could still change...PLEASE change BROWN!!!!!

Otherwise, not much more going on! Enjoy the pics!

Yesterday was a little chilly in the morning, so Evan got to wear what was supposed to be his take home outfit :) Sorry this pic is blurry...had to take it fast!

Wanted you guys to be able to see these chunky them!
Likes to push off things with his legs! Uses this strength to scoot himself OFF his sleep wedge at night!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Since hearing this earlier today, I just haven't been able to get this poor family out of my mind. I don't know if it is because I am now a mom or even more so because it is a little boy. Just thinking of the family's situation brings tears to my eyes. A close friend of ours in AZ nephew was recently diagnosed with a disease where he frequently has seizures or strokes. They were told there is no cure and basically he will continue to get these seizures and strokes until his brain can no longer handle it. I can't imagine going through something like this and would really appreciate they be placed in your thoughts and prayers. Hearing of their struggle makes my experience with Bell's Palsy and premature labor SO minuscule...Christian and I are so lucky. Thank you...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Patty's Day and more of Grandma's Visit!

We have really had a fun two weeks! Evan is just GROWING AND GROWING! We have our two month appointment on Tuesday, so I can't wait to see his growth! It looks like our boy has blue eyes. His hair is still reddish, but he is definitely losing it in spots and it is coming in blonde. So, he will probably be a toe head like his daddy! Evan is doing great...a little bit of constipation and cradle cap, but I have been doing some home remedies for both :)

TALKING! Doing that more everyday!
I think he looks so cute in blue and brown!

He did NOT want Mommy to take a pic of the bib...St. Patty's Day!!!! He looked like a little leprechaun!
With Grandma! (still deciding what she is going to be called :) )
With Memere (great grandma!)
Chilling with Grandma!
He tries to hold his bottle! This time he was successful!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Could I be any more in LOVE with this BOY?

Evan loves making noise!!!! He has quite the little attitude!!!! :) Here is a recent video of him...PLEASE excuse the cheesiness...I am sure those of you who have little ones understand :) The video is down below...had some issues with it and was nervous about moving it...this little iflip is so nifty!

My mom and bro are also in town for two are a few pics from their visit...

And a more of EVAN :)

LOVE this bath pic...check out his dangling foot in the water...he LOVES taking warm baths. Doesn't he look big? He is turning into a chunker! We weighed him last night...OVER 10 pounds :)

Also, CONGRATS to AMY and BRIAN...CAMDEN is here!!!! I just can't wait for future play dates with the boys!!!!

AND....Evan got his first COUSIN yesterday!!!! Marley Mazurek was born!!!! I just can't wait to meet my first little niece :) I am an aunt!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

COMPLETED NURSERY and a few recent pics!

FINALLY we have FINISHED the nursery! I LOVE IT!!!! It turned out just the way we wanted it to!

Check out his handprint...I don't know HOW the people in the hospital do it so good! I am not skilled!

I have a friend at work who sells Uppercase Living...I haven't heard of it until I moved to AZ...but REALLY like it! Here is one we got for his room...could it be any more perfect with the theme???? I also got a "Welcome" one for the entry way and one that says "Together we make a family" for the dining room! THANKS, GRANDNAN!!!!Look at him holding his pacifier! He can now take it out of his mouth with his hand. He tries to put it back in, but he is not so successful at that yet! In the cute outfit his Memere bought him!
Chillin' in his stroller outside!
Finally sleeping after being awake ALL day! :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

More newborn photographer pics!

Here are some more of the newborn pics the photographer took! I just LOVE all these pics...we have about 100 on a cd and I don't know how to choose which ones to enlarge! Here are some of our favs...minus 1 which will be on the birth announcement going out tomorrow! Check that mail!
Hilarious face! Looks like a little old man!

Best present EVER!
Our little the 3 beasts, of course!

OF COURSE we had to put our teams in the pic somehow!

In the hat Ty made him!!!! ADORABLE!
Also, Christian and I were kind of concerned about how the dogs would react to Evan. Well, honestly we knew the girls (bella, riley) could care less but were quite concerned about Jackson. He is a total alpha-male and VERY protective over me. But, that protection has QUICKLY turned to Evan. He follows me and the baby around everywhere. Guards him during feedings, changes, and naps. The other night it was really funny because Lindsay was over and walked over to Evan to say goodnight and he just happened to whine and Jackson just gave her the STARE DOWN. He was sitting next to us on the couch, jumped down and stood in front of me and the baby and just stared at Lindsay. It was really funny!